Update 04/03/13

Mar 04, 2013 20:17


Here we go, yet another update for my progress after more than a month of existential failure. I know, you're probably getting a little sick of this, but in any case please stick with me. If you like my writing, then I'm sure this is pretty exciting stuff.

News: Ave Maria
While I must thank you all for receiving the prologue of this fic as you have, I must apologise for the delay in the completion of chapter 1. Believe me when I say that it's completely and totally my fault that this delay has occured: You see, chapter 1 is actually more or less entirely written in poetry, something I insisted on from the very beginning. As you are no doubt learning, I have a mile-wide streak for making life difficult for myself. I know it's awkward and extremely annoying, and this next bit will possibly sound empty to you, but I promise I will have this fic updated the moment I have the next chapter done. The good news is that chapter 2 has already been written and just needs an edit, so there won't be as long a delay between the two.

News: The Art of Subconscious Illusion
Thanks to a huge burst of inspiration, I have actually made a start on the writing/editing of chapter 4, which (however subtly) marks the beginning of a divergence in plot, something that will add much more to the plot and success of the next two parts of this story. So, yes, expect chapter 4 soon, and if it takes a while to appear, I will tell you so as and when I know that it will. Meanwhile, I will confirm if I haven't done so already, that this will become something of a huge trilogy, and the moment I have a name for the trilogy (and maybe even a name for the next two parts, if you want to volunteer names?) I will tell you so. Enjoy.

News: White Apples
I have thought about this long and hard, and it's with a tinge of regret that I have come to the decision to not publish any part of White Apples Part 1 until every chapter has been written and edited, and every part of it is the best it can be. I know, it is, in it's own way, bad news, as you will be waiting longer than ever for the fic, until possibly 2014. However, please look at this as good news: As a result, you will inherit a wonderful fic, and once I start publishing it here and on FFN, you will receive one new chapter a week on a regular basis (of course, if something occurs to delay this, you will be informed). I do hope you understand that this was not an easy decision for me to make, and that you will come to see this as a decision made entirely for your sakes.

While some exciting things have been going on in my life since the last update, including my application to the Big House and its subsequent successes, the attendance of a most exciting gig, and plans to meet a rather neurotic journalist, this is all I have to report to you today.

Thanks once again for putting up with me,
Ruin Takada XXX

update, fanfiction, death note, white apples, ave maria, the art of subconscious illusion

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