Title: Orange Juice (Just another love story?)
Author: ruilian_thatsme
Characters/Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari / OC, Akanishi Jin / OC
Length: Chaptered
Summary: From a dying faith to a wishful heart. Who says cheesy love stories only happen in dramas? One bottle of orange juice starts it all. Never give up! Keep moving forward. ^_^!
A/N: Finally reached this part. Whew! This chapter was not the last chap i wrote. Then again,I don't remember exactly which was the last chapter i wrote. lol ^^ i want to thank my friends for being patient with my constant and seemingly endless add-ins in-between, here and there. And for Anchan for being my inspiration.^^ Daisuki!
Ano nee, I just realized something.”
“Yu-chan is a dance fairie. I saw him move along with my singing.” He was amused by his own thoughts.
“Yappari. I wondered what you were going to say with such serious face.” She laughed. “A sound faerie and a wind faerie together would make a dance faerie huh.” she looked at Yuto who was enjoying bouncing on the bed as he sat playing with his new toy.
Book closed. Finally. haha! ^_^! 100805
by: Kazunari Rin