No Time to Panic [cosplay update]

Sep 30, 2007 19:12

No time to do much at all besides the work itself actually. 
I'll admit I'm a tad irritated with myself this time. I told myself that I wouldn't wait until the last minute to get together the rest of my cosplay things like I did for Anime Boston this year. For that con, I left too much to do until the last second, and spent the week preceding AB staying up well past one in the morning frantically sewing things together. Came rather close to having a small breakdown during that time, and then when I finally got to AB, I was exhasted for the longest time, and got sick on the first day. It was just a cold, but It's really no fun to be sick at the convention, takes away from a lot of the enjoyment. 
I got caught up in school work this year though, which I suppose isn't too bad of a reason to be busy, but I really should have set more time aside for my cosplay. I'm going to be working on it all this week though, so hopefully things will be done with time to spare before next Friday, and I can get some decent rest and relaxation before the convention. Though, knowing me there will be little time to relax regardless. I did drop my caged Goku cosplay  though, and exchanged it for a few Riku cosplays that I'm already half-way done. Orlena and I were talking over the things that we have left to do, so I think that a list would be helpful.
Here's everything I have left to do:

I. Fix up the Riku wig. [It's still in bad contition after being work in a ponytail for the pirate cosplay, and I'd like to add a few more spikes to it.]
II. Locate and restore the vest for my J-Rock cosplay. [I've no idea where it is at the moment...though I assume it's with the rest of my extra supplies. No need to fix the shirt anymore, as I've found a new one at Good Will this morning.]
III. Fix Way to Dawn. [Since I melted part of the support it's been rather fragile, so I'm going to reinforce it at least a little before I carry it around the convention for three days.]
IV. Cut off the sleeves to my Riku PJ's [I don't like the long sleeves.]
V. Add patterns to PJ's. [I'm making it to look like the first Riku costume, the yellow one, so I need to add the 'X' marks."
VI. Finish Heartless plushie. [It'll be fun to carry around in my pajamas.]
VII. Find Heartless limbs. [....They're lost somewhere....ehehe...]
VIII. Rip seams and re-sew on the zipper to Toboe's jacket. [The fact that it's not even irritates me greatly.]
IX. Get hair cut and dyed for Toboe. [Speaks for itself.]
X. Attach chains to J-rock cosplay. [Because I found some extras.]
XI. Fix tears in Organization coat. [No idea how to repair vinyl, but I'll try somehow.]
XII. Make new beads for the Org. Coat. [One of the old ones broke, and I'd like it to look nice for judging.]
XIII. Get skit supplies together. [Should be interesting....]

...If there was anything else to be done, I've forgotten it at the moment. It will come to me eventually.

Augh, so much to do in so very little time
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