FanFic: Antis -- Part Two.

Dec 20, 2011 01:05

Title: Antis---part two.
Author: rudeminnesotan
Rating: PG-13 (for self-harm).
Pairing(s): Henry-centric.
Summary: Things went so well in China, but back in Korea is the same old story over and over again.
Genre: ANGST!
Notes: Because we’re all mean to our bias sometimes... Also: Part one

Unfortunately it wouldn’t last. Super Junior-M had to end their promotions sometime and ultimately they returned to Korea, after their concert in Hong Kong at the end of December.

In Korea things were the same as they had always been; just because he was a part of a slightly successful sub-unit didn’t mean anything to the Korean fans that still disliked his very presence. The fans were still outside the dorms with their Only13 signs, shouting their obscenities to both him and Zhou Mi. Henry didn’t know how Zhou Mi coped with it at all-he at least still had his razors.

After China, Henry had hoped he’d be able to stop this horrible self-destructive behavior. It was not like Henry didn’t know it was bad, but he couldn’t help himself. Once he had got started it was so hard for him to stop. It felt so good to feel alive, a harsh release that helped him forget all of the pain that the haters and antis brought his way.

A couple of months passed and there was no word from the company about Super Junior M continuing. That was a bit of a blow for Henry who really hoped that the sub-group would be his salvation. But apparently that wasn’t going to be the case. As to be expected, things got worse then.

Instead of always just cutting in the bathroom like before, Henry took to cutting in his room that he shared with Zhou Mi. The lanky Chinaman tended to hang out with the other members for most of the night, so Henry could tug up the leg of his boxers and slice deep. A red towel caught the blood as he felt the pain and the sting before he decided it was time to bandage it up. Then it was on with his sweat pants and into bed before anyone suspected anything.

It was the perfect plan and worked well for so long that Henry began to become bolder in his actions. He would let the blood drip until it was dried on his legs. This habit Henry had developed was definitely a bad one because he tended to get extremely light headed from the blood loss.

After three days in a row of such actions, Henry did eventually pass out, head lying on his desk. He didn’t wake up when the door to his shared room opened.

“Just a second Minnie, just let me ge---AHH!!!” Zhou Mi screamed; he had come into the room to get a magazine to show an article to Sungmin but was greeted by the passed out Henry instead. The blood was still flowing out of the cut on his thigh and he was passed out on the desk.

“What is it Mimi-ah!” Sungmin screamed as well when he saw what it was Zhou Mi was looking at and the older of the two went over to shake Henry to wake him up.

“Henli-sshi! Henli-sshi!!! Wake up!” He shook gently, tears already brimming in his eyes as he took the red towel, ripe with blood, and pressed it to Henry’s leg. Zhou Mi came over with a shaking hand covering his mouth only to spot all of the scars on Henry’s legs. They weren’t bad but definitely clearly visible.

“Hanri…” Zhou Mi cried, taking over the job of trying to wake up Henry while Sungmin went about trying to cover up the leg. “Oh Hanri… Do-… don’t die… Why didn’t we notice sooner?” He was being a bit of a drama queen and Sungmin would have rolled his eyes if it weren’t for the concern he felt over their younger member.

Slowly Henry began to stir, eyes unfocused at first. ‘Crap… I passed out--… what’s that noise…’ Henry’s thoughts were as hazy as his vision. Once they cleared though he could see Sungmin in front of him and hear Zhou Mi behind him, lamenting still as if he’d died.

“Mimi-ge… I’m not dead…” Henry managed to get out, despite the situation.

“OH HANRI!!” Zhou Mi hugged Henry tightly from behind then until Sungmin pushed him off.

“Careful with him-Henli-sshi… we need to get you to a hospital. This probably needs stitches…” said Sungmin, being the forever caring person that he was.

Feeling that care, Henry felt tears wet his eyes but he blinked them away.

“I’m fine hyung… Just let me deal with it, I’m fine.”

“I-… I don’t really think you’r-“

“I’m fine!” Henry said it more firmly, but with a choked sob in his voice as well. “Just get out, okay!?”

“NO!” Zhou Mi spoke up then, “I’m not leaving! Not until I know for sure you’re okay!” His grip around Henry was tight and hurt the fragile boy-something Sungmin noticed.

“Mimi-he’ll be fine. But only if you let go of him.” Sungmin got to his feet then and carefully pried the octopus off of Henry. It took a moment but soon Zhou Mi was sitting on his own bed just staring at Henry and Sungmin with a heavy pout. It was all just his way of showing his concern-he loved the baby Henry in his own way, really.

“Henli-sshi…” Sungmin said again as he watched how slowly yet carefully Henry was bandaging up his leg… “H-..” Min looked back to Mimi and then returned his gaze to Henry and dropped his voice to a whisper, “How long have you been doing this…”

Henry glanced to Sungmin and then back down to his leg, applying the clear liquid plaster followed by the heavy gauze. Sungmin could just tell by watching that it must have been for a long time… And if not, then frequently because something like that took some skill.

“It’s not of your business…” Henry replied, tugging down the leg of his boxers but unable to move from the chair.

“It is my business, Henli-sshi.” Sungmin took a slight authoritative tone. “You’re my group mate-more than that though, you’re my friend… I care about you. I …” Sungmin’s voice trailed and got soft. “I don’t like to see you hurting…”

“ME EITHER!” Zhou Mi spoke up then from the bed then, wiping his cheeks from tears that weren’t actually falling. “You’re so pretty when you smile Hanriiii….”

That hurt on some level to hear. It stabbed, in a way, at Henry. He wasn’t pretty. He didn’t like to smile. These words… he didn’t deserve to hear them.

“Both of you…” Henry muttered, forcing himself up onto his legs. “Just please, get out.” The tools that Henry used were all carefully put away and his towel dropped into the hamper. No use in really hiding that now since Zhou Mi knew. “I’m tired now.”

“Henli…” Sungmin’s voice trailed, reaching a hand out to help steady Henry-he even tried to help him to the bed but Henry slapped away his hand with a soft, ‘I can do it’. “Henli please, at least…. At least talk to someone. I-we.” Sungmin motioned to be himself and Zhou Mi. “We don’t want to see you hurting yourself…” Sungmin’s eyes went to Henry’s legs then, noticing how low some of the cuts went far down his thighs.

“I’m fine, I’m not hurting myself.” Replied Henry even if he knew that he was lying. “I have this under control.” His sweatpants were pulling on before he eased himself onto the bed carefully. He could feel a heavy weight on him then and he had to lay back into the bed, the urge to pass out hitting him again.

Sungmin did roll his eyes this time before just shaking his head. “Whatever.” He muttered, grabbing onto Zhou Mi and dragging him out of the room.

Left alone, again, with his hyung mad at him, Henry suddenly felt at ease once more-this was the way it was supposed to be after all. Everyone hated him… and now they were finally showing it.

In the morning, Henry found that Sungmin had come back in while he was sleeping. Zhou Mi was nowhere in sight and the older hyung was in the other’s bed.

Sungmin had been the first to wake and when Henry began to stir he just smiled at him brightly.

“Good morning Henli-sshi.” He said to him, hands gently holding the pink bunny in his lap. “I wanted to talk to you.” Beside him was a box on top of which were several printed out pieces of paper.

“It’s early hyung…” Henry mumbled, hugging his pillow and wincing at the pain in his thigh before sighing softly. “Don’t you have a schedule?”

“I cancelled. Leeteukie-hyung and manager-hyung are going to take care of it for me.” Sungmin said, that authoritative voice back from the night before. His tone being like that made Henry feel like he was 5 years old again being scolded by his father for stealing the last cookie or something.

“I just… I really want to talk to you Henli-sshi… I need to know… what’s going on with you… And, escaping that, at least that you’re okay and… will try to get help.” Sungmin’s eyes darted to the papers he had printed out before looking back to Henry.

The sigh the Henry let out then was even harder than before and he closed his eyes again, muttering that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“But Henli-sshi… You’ll feel better if you talk to someone about it. I--… I’ve seen all that’s in your box.” Sungmin looked to that now and Henry opened his eyes again. “Th-… this is the kit of a cutter, isn’t it?” One of the razors was picked up carefully by Sungmin upon opening the box. Henry jerked to try and stop him from opening it, but he was still light headed from the other night.

Sungmin noticed this right away and moved from the bed he was on to kneel in front of Henry.

“Are you okay!?” Just like the time before, Sungmin’s concern was genuine and Henry felt a knot of emotions choke in his throat.

“Y-… yeh… yess… I’m fine hyung.” But his voice betrayed him and soon Henry found himself in Sungmin’s arms. Before he could help it he was crying against his chest in rather harsh sobs. Sungmin was surprised at how easy it was to get Henry to let it out… and wondered for how long he had been holding this in.

It took a full fifteen minutes before Henry finally calmed down but the crying didn’t make him feel any better and honestly made the light headedness he was feeling even worse. And because he was feeling even worse his eyes were glued to that box that was on the other bed. He’d feel better if only he could reach it… and just cut-cut a little bit.

“No Henli!” Sungmin nearly shouted, pulling back on Henry’s outstretched arm once he realized what it was Henry was reaching for. He pulled the young Canadian back far on the bed and wrapped both his arms and legs around him so he couldn’t go anywhere. “You don’t need that!”

“But I do!” Henry sobbed, tears falling once again. “I need it Sungmin-I need it, I …” He let out a pathetic sigh and fell back from his reaching, tired once again. “I need it...” He muttered out in English as the tears began to fall silently down his cheeks.

“You don’t Henli, you don’t… You have me-us, all of Super Junior. We all love you. We need you! W-… what if Mimi and I hadn’t found you last night… You could…” Sungmin could barely say it aloud. The thought of Henry dying, his cute, cute Henry that he had adored since the first time he laid eyes on him, if only because he reminded him of a stuffed animal.

“No… no… no…” Henry was just muttering softly as Sungmin spoke, “No… you don’t need me… I’m a burden. ELF hates me… You hate me… E-… everyone hates me…” Henry’s body, which was bigger than Sungmin’s felt so frail at that moment. Sungmin could tell that the wrong words could easily break this boy’s spirit, who was already so broken down as it was.

“We don’t hate you Henli…” Sungmin retorted, despite Henry’s shaking head, “We don’t… I was frustrated last night because I was so sad over the thought of losing you. I couldn’t handle it. We need you.” He kept repeating that, hoping that saying it over and over again would help.

But Henry was beyond denying that it was true.

“Henli…” Sungmin started slowly after they had several minutes of silence again. “W-… will you tell me what… what drove you to this?”

The question choked Henry up for a moment, tears once more in his already puffy eyes.

“Nnn….” A mere groan was all Sungmin got in response as he felt Henry curl back into himself, causing him to sigh softly.

“Okay… I understand. Will you tell me when you’re ready..?”

Henry paused as he contemplated this… but then nodded before shrugging. “Maybe…”

“I can do maybe.” Sungmin replied immediately, giving Henry a squeeze.

Sungmin stayed with Henry until the younger fell asleep again. Only then did he decide to leave. However he was left with the question of does he tell the others or not? After shutting the door, making sure to take the razors out of the room but leaving the resources he’d printed out the night before Sungmin decided that it would be best not to tell anyone about this… While this was an issue that could potentially cause them all problems, for now, Sungmin just wanted to get Henry help.

Once Henry finally woke up he felt drained but on another level oddly better. That good mood was quickly ruined when he found that his box was empty of its razors. Struggling to change, Henry grabbed for his wallet and went to head out the door.

“Henli-sshi~!” Wookie’s sweet voice called him from the kitchen once he saw the squishy Canadian. “I made lunch! Sungminnie-hyung said you weren’t feeling well, so I made sure to include your favorite, lychee!”

‘So he told… I should have known’ Henry said with a soft sigh; he forced a smile on his face and just shook his head. “I’m not hungry Wookie-hyung, I got to go to the store though. I’ll be back later, okay?” And he moved towards the door only to have Ryeowook run over towards him and forced him to stop.

“Nononononooo~! If you’re not feeling well let the hyungs take care of you! You always work so hard all the time Henli~ let me pamper you.” Henry was forced down onto the couch, surprised by how strong Ryeowook was, and a blanket was dropped over his lap. Before he could really complain any more a bowl of soup on a tray with rice and lychees with a steaming cup of herbal tea was presented to him.

The speed surprised Henry who just glanced at the tray and then up to Ryeowook who was beaming with a smile.

“I was going to come bring it to you in bed, but you woke up before I could.” The idea of having a dongsaeng that Wookie could actually take care of totally appealed to him!

Henry’s chin quivered a moment, looking down at the tray and then back up to Ryeowook. It was so…. So sweet. No one had ever done something like that for him before. Because he didn’t deserve it… But Henry didn’t want to disappoint Ryeowook who looked so pleased with himself about this.

“Ahh… all right hyung… Thank you so much.” He looked at the tray that was on his lap and picked up the spoon to try the soup. If Henry admitted it, which he wouldn’t, he was rather hungry.

A very happy Ryeowook watched as Henry began to eat before leaning down to give his soft cheek a kiss. “Feel better soon okay? I’m going to finish making everyone else’s lunch too!” Henry only nodded in reply before staring down at the tray… Maybe he could find a razor somewhere else in the house…

A/N: why do I do this to my poor BB ;o;o;o;o; .

super junior: henry, genre: au, genre: angst, fic: antis, fanfic

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