Location: Ophara, four blocks down the road from the club he met, and shagged, The Master in.
For: Anyone, including, but not exclusively,
ictusincapita ,
cricketer5 ,
captain_hart ,
cjharkness *stumbles out of Five's TARDIS, drunk and still rather drugged, though the sudden
turn of events has sobered him up just a bit*
*is rather stressed to find the TARDIS had decided to randomize to a measely block away from her last desination*
*was rather hoping to jump into a volcano and die or something equally dramatic and fatal*
*starts jogging, as actual running is giving him a damn good headache, sobbing quietly and struggling to button his stained and soaked shirt together. He looks the tragic mess, tie loosened and half escaping from his collar, shirt completely untucked, belt open and fly unzipped, jacket missing, on the back of some chair at the bar still*
*crosses the street without looking both ways and is nearly run down by a very large honking cat (none wasted people read as car)*
*darts to the nearest beanstalk (read as lamppost) and clings to it*
*surroundings turn from streets and building at night to a vast desert in mid-day*
*sits at the base of the lamppost, attempting to stop crying (fails) and button his shirt (fails more)*