A shore without a fence...

Apr 24, 2009 13:52

I live near a lake, really near (I can see it from my window). The problem? Most "socialization" spots are just on the shore, and there is no fence for child security! The ground is just replaced with water, either abruptly or progressively. Like this. I am very paranoid, and won't allow my daughter to walk there because she likes to suddenly run. It's stroller or nothing. Most other mothers let the kids run free, and will only make a move if the child is like 50 cms from the water (or rely on yelling threats)... They are allowed to go quite far, even out of parent sight, while the parents chat away.

Incidentally, there are also stairs leading to the water, or leading to the shore (from higher places), and most children from walking age on are totally allowed to play in them. I don't let either.

What do you think? should I just relax? or do you agree an accident can happen quickly? My daughter is 2 years old.

link, mati, chinuch, creteil

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