Holiday Accomplishments and Future Plans

Nov 28, 2005 09:58

When we last left our heroine she was concerned about taking the two people most likely to to be too sick to go to her parent's Thanksgiving dinner.

One was too sick - the husband. The other, her dear bestest girlfriend came and was lovely as usual. She even told her not to yell at her Mother.

No holiday guests were harmed in the writing of this post.

Acquired some new wedding photos. Will post soon.

Finished all my wedding announcements and thank you cards, sent my initial holiday cards.

Started to work out again (and am feeling it today)

Saw Walk the Line with dearest bestest female friend and enjoyed it muchly (except it was a tad to long in MHO).

Purchased nice soft flannel sheets!

Rediscovered the joys of the curling iron.

Discussed at length if my not!sister-in-law is pregnant again with my husband and mother. Hmmmmm....perhaps a little sister or brother for wonder nephew?

Plans? Will call job type agency today and make appointment for initial meet up. Have jury duty starting Thursday (dread) and am seeing the Patti Smith Horses 30th Anniversary concert at BAM on Thursday as well. Plan on seeing Rent on Friday with sweet friend D.

Also plan to try to get over to the Grand Central Holiday Market to purchase my gifties - I usually do really well there.


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