(FIC)SPN_Payback's A Bitch (Prolog)

Sep 30, 2012 17:25

Title: Payback's a Bitch
Author : Ruby Standish
Rating : PG-13
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel(a.k.a. Loki), Castiel, kind of OCs inspired by myths and legends.
Pairing : Not really slash but close friendship between Castiel/Dean and Gabriel/Sam. More of just the Guardian Angel and their assigned human bond.
Word Count: WIP
Warnings : Rating for adults theme subjects and language.
Spoilers : Some mentions of Season 3, Ep: 11, other than that, if you no the characters, then you're good to go.
Author’s Notes : This was written for the Debreil Mini Challenge. All research of the myths and legends of the gods and goddesses was found from Wikipedia, I am not an expert of these things and apologies for any mistakes ahead of times.
Disclaimer : I do not own Supernatural in anyway, shape, or form, and am not getting paid for this in anyway; unless you're counting the fun I had writing it.

Summary: The targets of some of Gabriel pranks from the past comes back to get payback, but it's Sam and Castiel that ends up paying the price. Now Dean and Gabriel must work together to get them back before anything really bad happens to them, but will they be able to work together long enough to get their brothers back or will they kill each other in the process.



Within The Halls of Sessrumnir

Loki was having the time of his life, hiding in the shadows as Freyja fought with her husband. There were times when even he himself thought that he’s gone too far with his tricks but this time; this was a lesson to her for calling people ’insane’. He started the trick by a small rumor, among the gods and goddesses, that Freyja had taken a lover beside her husband from among the other gods. Somewhere along the way someone else had added that she was going to leave Oor for whoever this person was. Oor, of course, found out and was now demanding that she tell him who it was.

“Who is it!?” Oor yelled, his voice echoing in the empty halls of Sessrumnir.

“I know not of what you speak of my love,” Freyja answered, “my heart belong to none but you.”

“Is it Gmot? He has wanted your hand since he first laid eyes upon you.”

“No,” she placed a hand on his arm moving closer, “please believe me.”



“Who is it?”

“No one my love!”

Loki covered his mouth trying to hold back the laughter that wanted out, he couldn’t have planned this better. He was wondering just long Oor was going to keep up guessing before he just picked someone and went after them himself. He was so busy watching them though, that he didn’t notice Thor standing behind him until the Thunder God grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, snipping him around to look him in the eyes.


“I believe that you have some explaining to do Loki,” Thor said as he dragged him out of the shadows and over to the fighting couple. “Peace friends!” he shouted to Oor and Freyja, who both turned at his voice.

Loki pulled on his shirt, trying to free it from Thor’s hold but when he saw Freyja’s fiery eyes landing on him, he decided for a faster way out. Rising one hand, he looked between the three, “I can see that you’re very busy right now,” he said giving his best smile. “So I’ll just come back and we can talk later.” With a snap of his fingers he was gone, shouting a farewell to them as he went somewhere far away and safe.

Years Later Somewhere In Ireland

Loki and his new friends, Puck and Bricriu, were having a little bit of fun. Puck’s lord and master had giving him orders to dispose of a flower that made people fall in love with whomever they first lay eyes upon but Puck couldn’t just get rid of such a fun toy; so he bought it to Loki and Bricriu, so that they could have some fun.

They were now watching from the second level of a castle as the king of the land argued with three of his lords. The prince was arranged to marry the daughter of the first lord, that was until Loki and them got to him with the ‘Love Flower’ as they were calling it; now the prince was in love with the second lord’s daughter. He was refusing to marry anyone but her, even if that meant giving up the title of prince and his right to the throne.

Of course, the king and the lords were unhappy but as far as Loki was concerned it was all working out for the prince and the girls. The daughter that the prince was arranged to marry was actually in love with the son of the third lord and that was by her our feelings, it had nothing to do with the flower.

"I just can't see why they can't be happy for their kids," Loki said watching the madness that was going on below.

Puck shrugged, "From what I've learned throughout the years, it always has something to do with bloodlines."

"As well as peace for the kingdom and among the clans."

The three tricksters turned to the female voice, "Hello, Aine," Loki said grinning at the Irish Goddess of Love.

She shook her head, her fiery locks waving about as she pointed her finger at them like she was scolding some children. "Don't ye hello me ya devils!" She yelled moving so close to them that Loki that had to take a step back or get poked in the eye. "Do ye know how long it took me to get the king to agree to the marriage in the first place?"

"Clam yaself Aine," Bricriu said, "the lass doesn't even love the lad to begin with."

"Sadly that's not my concerned," Aine said, "the lass's mother is the sister of the king of another kingdom. The two kings wish to bring peace to their kingdoms and marring the prince and the lass is the only way to do so."

"I don't get you people," Loki said. "Why does everything have to be taking care of by marrying kids off? Why can't they just talk it out?"

"No, they can't and now, thanks to ya menaces, I have to fix EVERYTHING!" Aine yelled, throwing her arms in the air.

"Clam down lass, we'll help ya," Bricriu said.

"Ya will?" Aine asked folding her arms over her chest.

"Ay, we will," Bricriu said wrapping his arms around Loki's and Puck's shoulders, "If ye can catch us." With a wink of his eye they were gone, from the palace and standing in the middle of a forest somewhere.

Loki looked around to see if Aine had tried to follow them but the three of them were alone. "Well," he said looking at his friends, "that was fun." Puck and Bricriu busted into laughter, falling to the ground, Loki just grinned at his friends, "So, what should we do next?"

Somewhere in Greece

Loki walked among the guests of the wedding, although no one knew that he was there, even as he grabbed an apple from a servant as they walked by. Instead of eating it though, he started tossing it up into the air. After the fourth toss he'd planned on finally eating it but it never came back down.

"What the…?"

He glanced up, looking for the apple and he found it, in a hand with perfect nails and it was attached to a very slender arm of perfect alabaster skin. Tilting his head back as far as it would go before fully turning around, Loki had a bad feeling he knew to whom the arm belongs to; and he was right.

"Aphrodite," he said, grinning at the Goddess of Beauty.

"What are you doing here Trickster?" She demanded waving the apple in front of him.

"Can I not come to a wedding without wanting something?"

"I don't care if you want something or not, I just don't want you here. I know how you and Eris like to play games; well I'm not in the playing mood." She grabbed his hand palm up and slammed the apple into it, causing him to wince in pain a little. "I want you gone, do you hear me?" Loki nodded, grinning as he saw the father of the bride over Aphrodite's shoulder. She turned, glancing behind her and back at him, a look of terror on her face. "What have you done?"

“I've done nothing that will stop the wedding; that is, unless the groom loved the bride more for her looks and not really for who she is.”

“Loki,” she said shaking her head, “one of these days your tricks are going to backfire on you.”

Loki smiled as she vanished, he guess to go see what he'd done to the bride-to-be. He was also guessing though by the yelling and screaming coming from the area where the bride was getting ready that Aphrodite was already too late to keep the groom from seeing the bride and just how beautiful she truly was.

“Well Aphrodite, I guess today wasn't that day,” he said taking a bite from the apple as he took off to find his next target.

character: castiel, challenge: big/mini/reverse bangs, character: dean winchester, character: gabriel, character: sam winchester, word count: wip, type: fan fiction, fandom: cw supernatural

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