(FIC)SPN_Payback's A Bitch (Part One)

Sep 29, 2012 22:13

Title: Payback's a Bitch
Author : Ruby Standish
Rating : PG-13
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel(a.k.a. Loki), Castiel, kind of OCs inspired by myths and legends.
Pairing : Not really slash but close friendship between Castiel/Dean and Gabriel/Sam. More of just the Guardian Angel and their assigned human bond.
Word Count: WIP
Warnings : Rating for adults theme subjects and language.
Spoilers : Some mentions of Season 3, Ep: 11, other than that, if you no the characters, then you're good to go.
Author’s Notes : This was written for the Debriel Mini Challenge. All research of the myths and legends of the gods and goddesses was found from Wikipedia, I am not an expert of these things and apologies for any mistakes ahead of times.
Disclaimer : I do not own Supernatural in anyway, shape, or form, and am not getting paid for this in anyway; unless you're counting the fun I had writing it.

Summary: The targets of some of Gabriel pranks from the past comes back to get payback, but it's Sam and Castiel that ends up paying the price. Now Dean and Gabriel must work together to get them back before anything really bad happens to them, but will they be able to work together long enough to get their brothers back or will they kill each other in the process.



“Damn it Gabriel!” Dean yelled spiting out the sip of beer that he just took; he had found out the hard way that the archangel-turned-trickster had added something to it.

“What’s the matter Dean-o? You don’t like hot sauce in your beer?”

“Gabriel,” Castiel said staring at his brother. “Was that necessary?”

“You guys are no fun, you need to lighten up a little.”

“I’ll show you lighten up,” Dean whisper through close teeth.

“Okay,” Sam had chosen that moment to come back with the next round of drinks for everyone. Dean eyed the bottle that his brother set in front of him. “Did I miss something?” Sam asked looking around the table, taking the seat next to Gabriel.

“Your pal decided to play some of his tricks.” Dean glared at Gabriel as the angel leaned back placing his arms out along the back of the booth. He still couldn’t stand the fact that Gabriel had pretty much taking it upon himself to look out for Sam as Castiel looked out for him, although Sam didn’t really seem to mind.

“What did you do Gabriel?” Sam asked.

“Nothing, your brother is over reacting.”

“If you didn’t do anything, what is Dean over reacting to?” Castiel stated.

“Who side are you on?” Gabriel said. Castiel only answer was taking a sip from his drink and looking out into the bar. “You’ve been hanging around Dean too much baby bro,” Gabriel argued leaning onto the table.

“Leave Cass out of this,” Dean shot at him, coming to the younger angel’s defense as he switched his bottle with the one in front of Sam; he was sure that the archangel wouldn’t mess with Sam’s beer, he was wrong. The second the sour taste hit his tongue, he was spiting it back out, “Really man? You messed with Sam’s drink too?”

Gabriel grinned, “Archangel, remember? I was waiting to see which bottle you went for before I did anything.”
Dean just set the beer down and pushed it across the table to Sam, “Where, enjoy.”

Sam eyed the bottle and then Gabriel, “Be nice.”

It was all he said but Dean was shock that it seemed to work; Gabriel just sighed and snapped his fingers for a new bottle to appear in front of Dean, “There you go Dean-o.”

Dean stared at the bottle, waiting for it to do something; like explored or grow a mouth and start attacking him. Keeping an eye on Gabriel, dean slowly picked the bottle up to take a sip but this time Gabriel didn’t play any tricks. In fact, it was probably one of the best beers Dean has ever had. He grinned behind the bottle’s neck but not wanting to give Gabriel the pleasure of knowing that he just made Dean’s day, he set the drink and turned to Castiel.

“Can you believe this guy? Cass?”

Castiel wasn’t looking at them; he didn’t even look to be listening to their conversation. Dean learned over to look around the angel, Castiel was staring towards the bar counter where three women were sitting. There was a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead and if they were in New York City Dean would say they were Rockettes having a night out on the town. Each one of them had a short black cocktail dress on, all of the same design. They had great complexion, ruby red lips, and their hair were all done up in the same style; half of it was up and half was down, with little ringlets framing their faces.

Dean’s eyes went from Castiel to the girls and back, “Gabriel’s right Cass, you have been hanging out with me too much.” He shifted in the booth wrapping his arm around Castiel’s shoulders. “Which one do you like? I’ve always had a thing for brunette but you seemed more of a redhead kind of guy.”

“Dean, should you really be offering to be the wingman for an angel?” Sam asked.

“Good one Sammy,” Gabriel laughed slapping Sam’s shoulder.

“That wasn’t a joke Gabriel?”

“I believe I know them,” Castiel said turning to Dean.

Dean grinned, “I don’t think Cass needs a wingman, he already knows one of the best pickup lines out there.”

“Yeah, he probably learned it from you,” Sam stated going back to his drink.

Castiel shook his head, “It’s not so much that I know them by person but that I’ve sensed them before.”

“Are they angels?” Dean asked, hoping that the answer was ‘no’.

“No, Gabriel and I would know if they were. Gabriel, do you know them?” Castiel asked but when no answer came, blue eyes turned to the archangel, “Brother, what is wrong?”

All three of them were looking at him, he had a rare look on his face, one that Dean hasn't seen since Gabriel told them who he really was. Dean waited a few seconds before waving his hand in front of Gabriel’s face, “Hello, Earth to Gabriel.”

“What?” he asked looking around the table.

“We were asking if you’re alright,” Sam said.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Gabriel said looking at his wrist as if he was wearing a watch and he was checking the time. “WOW! Is that the time? I gotta get going, places to go, people to see.”

“But…” Gabriel was gone before Sam could say anything else, “Well, that was weird.”

Dean quickly looked around making sure that no one saw the man disappearing and was freaking out about it. He really wasn’t in the mood to have to questions; he glanced to the bar and was a little surprised at what he saw. “You want to know what’s really weird.”


“Those girls are gone.” Dean pointed towards the bar, the three stools where they were sitting were empty as if no one had been sitting there, and the only sign were the drinks left on the counter. Castiel and Sam looked to him in union.

“I believe it would best for us to go,” Castiel said tilting his head like always.

Dean nodded, he suddenly had an odd feeling about being here and he didn’t want to hang around to find out why. Together they quickly closed out their accounts, left, and headed back to the motel.


Gabriel came and went so much that he was use to being away for a while before Sam gave him a call asking for help with something but when he didn’t hear from the Winchesters or even Castiel for almost a month, he had to find a way to check in with them. Thanks to Castiel placing those signs on the boys’ ribs, he couldn’t really find them, so he just went to the last place that he knew they were.

He glanced around the room from where he landed in the middle; it was dark. All of the lights were turned off and the curtains were drawn keeping the sunlight out. He sighed moving to one of the beds and dropping onto it. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he silently thanked Sam again for insisting that he get one. He check his inbox to see if there were any messages left before hitting the speed dial on his phone and waited, Sam’s phone rung a few times before going to the voicemail.

”Hey this is Sam. I can’t come to the phone…”

Gabriel toned out the recoding; he had heard it enough times to know it by heart. He waited for the beep, “Hey Sammy! It’s Gabe, I’m beginning to think that you forgot all about me. Anyway, I’m really starting to worry about you guys, I tried Castiel but he’s not answering his cell and he’s hiding his present from me. Please call me back or better yet, I’m at the motel in Colorado, in that town that I last saw you guys.”

He hung up tossing the phone onto the bed and fell back onto his back, his arms out to the sides. Staring at the roof was quickly losing his attention as he decided to wait for them; it seemed like hours before the sound of keys in the door made him sit up.

Jumping off the bed, he snapped his figures to turn the lights on as he moved to the middle of the room getting ready to welcome the boys back. “Welcome back…” It was only Dean that entered, Gabriel watched as he shut the door, locking it behind him; he stilled with his back to the angel, his head down and hand on the door handle. “Dean?” he asked taking a step closer. Dean’s hand tightened on the handle, his knuckles were starting to white, “Hey, Dean-o, what’s…”

Dean moved so fast that Gabriel was shock that he didn’t seen his movement until the human had him pinned up against the door, both hands wrapped in the fabric of Gabriel’s shirt collar.


Gabriel threw his hands up in defeat, “Hey, hold on there Dean-o. Where is who?”

“Sam! Now where is he?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gabriel said. He could feel Dean’s hands tightening in the collar around his neck. Gabriel could easier knock him away and get loose but he thought it would be better not to piss the Hunter off anymore than he already was. It was clear that something had happened to Sam and Dean was blaming him for it, he needed Dean to calm down so he could find out what was going on.

“Sam, he disappeared,” Dean yelled pulling Gabriel from the door and slamming him back against it, “two days after you left us at that bar.”

Gabriel froze, the memories of that night came back to him in a flood of flashes; playing tricks on Dean, the three women at the bar, and him taking off; wanting to be anywhere that wasn’t there.

“Dean, have you heard Castiel?”

Dean just shook his head, “No, not for a while, he went out looking for Sam.”

“And you didn’t try calling me sooner?”


“No, wait, let me guess. You probably thought that I was behind it somehow, right?” Dean glared at Gabriel as if daring him to make a move, he didn’t even answer. “Damn it Dean! Get over yourself!” Gabriel grabbed Dean’s arms and easily pushed him away in one shove. He should have known better though, Dean’s training kicked in and Gabriel was quickly looking down the barrel of a Glock. “You know damn well that that won’t do anything to me,” Gabriel shouted at him. “Look I know that you still don’t like me but after I’ve saved your guys’ butts a few times, I thought that for sure I would have yield some of your trust.”

“Like Hell!”

Gabriel couldn’t blame the Hunter; he had killed Dean over a hundred times, just to get a lesson through Sam, plus the whole TV Land thing, but really, after everything else.

Gabriel sighed looking around the room, not wanting to look Dean in the eyes; he cursed himself for not telling them sooner to watch their backs. This would be just one more reason for Dean not to like him. He should have thought twice before taking off like that, those three girls in one place at one time was a bad sign but he had believed that if he left they would leave the boys and Castiel alone; come after him instead but it would seem that he had thought wrong.

“Dean,” Gabriel locked eyes with Dean, he held his hands up for the Hunter to see them.

Dean’s green eyes stared back, he seemed to be studying Gabriel hands but the gun didn't move. “You know something don’t you?”

″Promise that you'll hear me out before you start shooting,″ Gabriel said.

″No deal.″

Gabriel grinned, ″I'm an angel Dean, not a demon.″

″Right now, you're both in the same to book to me,″ Dean said, his eyes going cold.

Gabriel sighed, ″Alright, fine. Keep your toy out,″ Gabriel said. If it meant that Dean would listen to him, he would let the Hunter keep the gun pointed at him. Although if he was right in who he thought have taking Sam and most likely Castiel too, a gun wasn't going to be of much help. ″It's about those girls that Castiel saw the other night.″

″The three at the bar?″ Gabriel nodded his head. ″So they were angels?″

″No Dean, not angels,″ Gabriel said slowly lowering his hands. ″They're goddesses.″


character: castiel, challenge: big/mini/reverse bangs, character: dean winchester, character: gabriel, character: sam winchester, word count: wip, type: fan fiction, fandom: cw supernatural

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