(FIC)SPN/Sanctuary_The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship 2/2

Dec 05, 2011 23:01

Title: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
Pairing: Hint at future Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Spoilers for Season One and Season Two Ep. 1 &2 of SPN and Season Two Ep. 1 &2 of SyFy Sanctuary.
Word Count: 6,170
Notes: This was written for
darkslayerfaith's Everlasting Birthday Challenge
Prompt: Sanctuary AU(or crossover): Castiel is a winged abnormal who works for the Sanctuary in Old City. Dean and Sam have recently moved to Old City. Sam has developed psychic powers. John worked as a Cabal agent after Mary's death and died at least a year before the story starts. I would ideally want to be set in somewhere in season 2 of Sanctuary, would completely love to see the Sanctuary characters interacting with the boys.

Summary: After one of Sam's visions, Dean finds him and his brother waiting in a dark alley to help a woman from being attack
but they end up getting stuck in a bigger mess and they find out something that could change their lives forever.

Dean and Sam roamed the halls of the Sanctuary, they had been there for five days, although Dr. Magnus had gave Sam an all clear to be up and moving and told them that they were free to go whenever they wished, Sam wanted to stay. He had questions for the leader of the Sanctuary Network and while she couldn’t answer all of them, she was only too happy to answer the ones that she could. She did, of course have a few questions of her own, Dean thought it would be better not to answer but Sam disagreed; telling her about the weird dreams that he had and how they always seemed to turned out to be a vision. He told about her the one that he had about her in the alley and that that was why they were there that night but that in his dream he hadn’t seen Henry and Kate.

Dr. Magnus offered to help Sam with his visions, find out why he was having them, what was the reason behind them, and maybe how to control them; and although Dean was against the whole thing Sam jumped at the offer, now here they were walking the halls trying to find something to do while Dr. Magnus talked to a guest who had arrived earlier in the morning.

They were given the tour of the top floors of the Sanctuary but Dr. Magnus’s second, Will Zimmerman, a few days ago. Sam suggested that they go to the library or maybe go see if Henry needed help with anything. Dean had to hand it to Sam, even after they found out that the young man was an Abnormal, Sam still did everything he could to become friends with the computer master of the Sanctuary. Sometimes it was as if Sam couldn’t see evil in anything or anyone or wanted nothing more than to find the good in them.

Dean however just wanted to find Castiel, he hadn’t seen the winged Abnormal since that rainy night in the alley and although Henry had said that he went on to the Sanctuary before them, he wasn’t waiting for them when they got there. Dean wasn’t sure why but he just felt off not thanking him for saving them that night and really just wanted to fix that.

There was however another Abnormal that reminded Dean of the pictures of Bigfoot that Sam would sometimes look at, he hadn’t learned what his real name was yet but everyone seemed to just call him Biggie. He seems to be the housekeeper of the place, keeping it clear and in shape when Dr. Magnus wasn’t around to do so, and they were also told that he made an excellent cup of tea.

He sighed as they turned the corner heading towards the library but the sound of someone yelling drew their attention the other way, down towards Dr. Magnus’s office. “What do you think that’s about?” Sam asked.

Dean shrugged, “Who knows, but it’s none of our business.” He turned back to the library but stop when Sam started the other way, “Sam? Where are you going?”

“To check it out.”

“Sam!” It didn’t work though his brother was already rounding another corner. “Just great,” he said following Sam.

They made it to Dr. Magnus’s office but it seemed that they weren’t the only ones that the yelling had caught the attention of. Henry and Biggie stood outside leaning with their ears against the door, as they drew closer Henry held his finger to his lips telling them to keep quite.

Dean wasn’t sure but it sounded like there were three voices coming from inside; Dr. Magnus, Will, and someone he didn’t know. Sam moved closer, “What’s going on?” he whispered.

Biggie stayed listening by the door while Henry grabbed Sam and Dean, pulling them down the hallway. “One of Doc’s old friends showed up this morning and is asking for her help.”

“So what’s so wrong with that? Isn’t that what friends are for?” Sam asked.

Henry just shook his head, “Not with Tesla, something bad always happens when he shows up.”

“Tesla?” Dean asked that name sounded familiar to him.

“Yes, Tesla,” a voice said from behind them.

Dean and Sam turned to found that the door was open and the three that had been fighting inside had moved to the hallway. This Nikola Tesla, was a lean man, about Dean’s height, with bushy black hair and just by looking at him; Dean was sure that if this guy was normal he could down him with no problems but there this guy had a mischievous look about him and Dean was also sure that this Nikola was anything but normal.

“Nikola, I would like you to meet Dean and Sam Winchester,” Dr. Magnus said, “Dean, Sam, this is Nikola Tesla, an old friend of mine.”

“Oh, so you’re the two lost puppies that Helen found,” Nikola stated moving closer. He walked around them as studying them and Dean would have like nothing better than to knock that grin off of his face. Stopping in front of them he looked to Helen, “Really Helen, what is with you and giving home to every lost stray that you find?” Dean wasn’t sure what that meant but the looks that Biggie and Henry were giving Tesla were giving him a hint.

“Be nice Nikola, Dean and Sam are my guests here just as you are.

“Wait a minute! You’re not the Nikola Tesla, the one that created electricity?” Sam asked, his eyes getting wider like he had just seen his favorite hero come to life.

“The one and only,” Nikola said. Dean couldn’t stop the laugh that came out. “What’s so funny?”

“That would make you over, what…hundred years.”

“A hundred and fifty-five actually.”

Dean didn’t know what to say to that so he just kept his mouth shut, he was really starting to hate this place. He didn’t know how Will and Kate handle bring the only normal people in this place.

“Henry, Nikola was actually just on his way out but would you help him find the item that he came here for though.”


“I won’t send my people into danger Nikola and I wish you wouldn’t go either but I know I won’t be able to change your mind so I will help by giving you the items that you need, but that’s it.” Helen said.

Nikola looked like he was about to start another fight but instead he only nodded and started down the hallway with Henry following after him.

“I can’t believe he actually wanted you to help him break into one the Cabal’s old lab,” Will said.

“Mmm,” Dr. Magnus sighed walking back into her office and shutting the door.

“I’ll go start some tea,” Biggie said and started off down the hallway.

“Did you say the Cabal?” Sam asked.

Will nodded, “Yeah, do you know about them?”

“Um,” Sam looked to Dean but Dean wasn’t about to tell the people that had been giving them a place to stay for the past five days that their father use to work for the Cabal.

“We know a little about them, we’ve heard about them along with the red-listers.” Dean answered.

“Well, if you asked me, I think Magnus would prefer to go up against red-listers instead of the Cabal. As much as she wants to take them out, she…”

“She what?”

Will looked from Dean then to Sam, “She lost someone dear to the Cabal and as much as she would love to take them out completely, she doesn’t want to lose anyone else to them. Anyway she gave me some files that she was hoping you would help go over Sam,” he said holding up some folders for Sam to see. “For some reason she thinks that you might want to see them.”

“Um,” Sam looked to Dean as if waiting for an answer.

“Go ahead, I’ll find something to do.” Dean said.


Dean watched as Sam walked away with Will to go over some paperwork, sometimes he found it hard to believe that they were really brothers. Sam loved doing research and reading while Dean prefers to sit in front of a television and watch shows all day. So why he ended up in the library he wasn’t sure but as he walked through the selves of books he found the person that he’s been looking for.

Far in the back of the huge room surrounded by piles of books was Castiel, his wings pulled up behind him as he was bent over reading a very large book.

“Hey, I was wondering where you got off to.” Dean said moving closer.

Castiel looked up from the book, his wings opening to their full span, but he still didn’t say anything to Dean.

Dean could see him a lot better and there was just something about the Abnormal that made Dean feel weird but he couldn’t tell what it was. Castiel’s blue eyes were part of a face with sharp features, pale skin, and lips that Dean wondered if they ever formed a smile. “Have you been in here the whole time Sam and I been here?”

Castiel shook his head.

“Oookay. Have you been at the Sanctuary this whole time?”

Again Castiel shook his head.

“Can you talk at all?”


Dean was shocked, it was only one word but it was in a voice that he didn’t expect to come out of Castiel. “So you can talk, I wanted to thank you for the other night, for saving Sam and me.”

“You’re welcome.” It was all he said before going back to reading the book.

Dean stood there, waiting for Castiel to say something else but the Abnormal didn’t even seem to realize that he was still there. Moving closer Dean couldn’t see a title on the book so he asked, “What are you reading?”

“The Bible.”

“Oh,” Dean almost laughed, an Abnormal that looked like an angel reading the Bible but he held it in. He didn’t want to hurt Castiel’s feelings in anyway. Instead he grabbed the book from the top of one of the piles and looked at the title; it was an old copy of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and for a second Dean wondered if Dr. Magnus might have actually known J.R.R. Tolkien. “Mind if I join you?”

Castiel looked up at Dean, his head going to the side and then he went back to reading.

“I’ll take that as a no,” Dean said dropping down next to Castiel, opening the book he began to read.

*  *   *   *

The next few days went on about the same way; Sam would be off with Dr. Magnus working on his visions or with Will going over old files and while Sam was doing that Dean would find himself in the library with Castiel reading books. At one point he was sure that Castiel was putting off something in the air that was making him want to hang out with him, because it was Sam that loved to read not him but when he asked Dr. Magnus about it, she just laughed and said that Castiel just had that effect on people.

They hadn’t seen signs of Nikola, except for a letter that came for Dr. Magnus simple saying thank you, there was no signature but she seemed to know that it was him.

Henry, Kate, and Biggie went about going out on patrol; finding Abnormals that needed help or taking out red-listers. They even let Dean go with them those few nights when Castiel would disappear and he would need something to do or he would go crazy.

He was sitting on the roof with Castiel at night when Sam came running to find him, out of breath and going on about something in the files and yellow eyes.

“Hold on Sam, what are you talking about?” Dean said grabbing Sam’s shoulders.

“The files that Helen had me going through with Will, they were old Cabal files.”


“They were files from the Cabal that we acquired back when they held my…someone dear to me.” Helen had come out of the door followed by Will who no doubt ran to get her after Sam came to find Dean.

“You took files from the Cabal?” Dean asked.

“Yes, but you have to understand they stood against that we are trying to build.” Dr. Magnus looked from Dean to Sam, “I understand how you must feel Dean, and I would feel the way if my father had worked for the Cabal.”

“How did you know that?” Dean moved stepping in front of Sam even though he didn’t block his entire brother.

“Why don’t you ask Samuel?”

Dean turned to Sam; they had agreed not to anyone here that their father had work for the Cabal. Sam shook his head, “I didn’t tell her anything Dean it’s all in the files.”

Dean took the folder that Sam held out to him, opened it and looked over the papers inside of it. He didn’t understand half of what he was looking at but there were a few words that caught his eye, two of them were John and Mary Winchester.


“They knew Dean the Cabal knew about everything, they were even behind mom’s death.”


Sam reached for the paper flipping a page over and pointed to a part that was highlighted. “Although the Cabal hated most Abnormals, they have a small group working for them, I couldn’t find any of their real names but the leader of the group’s code name was Yellow Eyes and it was him that killed mom Dean.”

Dean wasn’t sure what to say, what to do. Their father had been working for the people that had killed their mother. They had been playing him like a puppet, sending him on missions that probably had nothing to do with their mother just to throw him off the trail. Sam and he had helped them even, thinking that they had to at least thank the Cabal for what they did for John, but it was most likely the Cabal that had killed him. Dean was thankful that they left the Cabal when they did but now he wanted to be back there in the lab, he wanted to be talking to the leader and wanted rip her apart. How could he have not seen that she was lying through her teeth?

A hand landed on his shoulder and the angry that he feeling faded a little, he still hated the Cabal for what they did but he wasn’t going to run off right at that moment like he was thinking about doing just a second ago. He turned to find Castiel standing behind him and for once there seem to be a little bit of emotion showing through on the Abnormal’s face.

“Dean, I know you must have a lot of things going through your mind right now but if you let me I want to help you and Sam.” Dr. Magnus said.


“Because the person that the Cabal took from me was my daughter and you may not know this, you may not even want to believe it but I knew your mother. I knew Mary back when she was young, before she knew your father. She helped me with something and I owe her that.”

Dean looked from leader of the Sanctuary to his brother; he didn’t even have to ask Sam his question. “I trust her Dean, she didn’t have to show us these files and there has to be a reason why I had that vision of her in that alley.”

Dean looked from Sam to Castiel; the Abnormal had kind of grown on him, for a reason that Dean couldn’t say why he wanted to trust Castiel if not Dr. Magnus. Those blue eyes stared back at him and it was almost like all of what Dean was feeling was shining back at him through those eyes, as if he knew what Dean was going through.

He turned back to Helen, “I don’t trust easily, the fact that I’m letting you help Sam with his visions without complaining about it is a big thing with me but Sam’s right you didn’t have to show us those files.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m not saying that I trust you all the way, I’m just saying that I’ll willing to give you a chance to really earn my trust.”

Dr. Magnus smiled looking between Will and Castiel before looking back at Dean and Sam. “I think we can work with that.”

The End

word count: complete, character: castiel, character: henry foss, character: dean winchester, fandom: sanctuary, word count: 5000-10000, character: bigfoot, character: sam winchester, character: helen magnus, character: nikola tesla, type: fan fiction, character: will zimmerman, fandom: cw supernatural

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