(FIC)SPN/Sanctuary_The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship 1/2

Dec 05, 2011 22:46

Title: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
Author: rubystandish
Recipient: darkslayerfaith
Pairing: Hint at future Dean/Castiel

Rating: PGWarnings: None
Spoilers: Spoilers for Season One and Season Two Ep. 1 &2 of SPN and Season Two Ep. 1 &2 of SyFy Sanctuary.
Word Count: 6,170
Notes: This was written for darkslayerfaith's Everlasting Birthday Challenge
Prompt: Sanctuary AU(or crossover): Castiel is a winged abnormal who works for the Sanctuary in Old City. Dean and Sam have recently moved to Old City. Sam has developed psychic powers. John worked as a Cabal agent after Mary's death and died at least a year before the story starts. I would ideally want to be set in somewhere in season 2 of Sanctuary, would completely love to see the Sanctuary characters interacting with the boys.

Summary: After one of Sam's visions, Dean finds him and his brother waiting in a dark alley to help a woman from being attack but they end up getting stuck in a bigger mess and they find out something that could change their lives forever.

Dean was cold and wet, and he wanted to go back to the motel.

How he had let his brother talk him into coming out in the pouring rain, he still wasn’t sure. Sure, he knew that most of Sam’s weird vision like dreams turned out to actually be visions; for some reason or another showing his younger brother people who were going to be killed, for some reason his brother was becoming what their father had always hunted, an Abnormal.

It had all started when Sam was only six months old, their mother, Mary, had went to check on Sam during the night and Dean remembered waking up to the house being on fire, their father handing Sam to him and telling him to run, to get out of the house. The fire had taken their house as well as Mary but it wasn’t until Dean was a few years older that John, their father, told him what had really happen and that was why they now lived going from town to town, living out of motels and John’s ’67 Impala.

John was hunting down the thing that had killed Mary.

Everything was going okay, as far as Dean thought they could be going but then one day that all changed. John was out on a hunt, checking on a lead to the thing that killed Mary, while Dean and Sam stay at the motel. Four nights later though John had come back but he wasn’t alone; he had another man with him, and while Dean pretended to be asleep, this guy told John about a group of creatures called the Abnormals, a place called the Sanctuary, and the group that he worked for called the Cabal. If Dean thought that their lives were crazy before that night, he was wrong.

It all went downhill from there or at least in Dean’s opinion it did; John spent more time on missions for the Cabal which they said would help him in finding the thing that killed his wife, though Dean didn’t believe it. The leader of the Cabal did everything she could to get Dean and Sam to join when they would old enough, but they wouldn’t have anything to do with them beside John. Dean wasn’t sure if Sam was right or not, but his brother did believe that not all Abnormals were bad. Dean was sure though that this was what drove their family apart. Sam and John started fighting about everything, mainly on whether all Abnormals should be killed or not; Sam spent his time trying to find a way to contact Dr. Helen Magnus, the leader of the Sanctuary, while John and the Cabal did everything they could to take the Sanctuary down.

About a year ago was when it really started going crazy, John had got a lead on the Abnormal that killed Mary and instead of getting him and Sam to help, he went by himself and got himself killed, or at least that’s what the Cabal told Dean and Sam. While Dean and Sam wanted nothing to do with the Cabal anymore they were still getting messages from the group asking them to do some hunts for them. They went on hunting, going after Abnormals that needed to be taken down but much to Dean’s surprise, Sam had been right. It took a while for Dean to agree with the idea but among their many hunts they had made friends with some Abnormals that helped them, some even try to help them in finding the Abnormal that killed their mother.

It was about a month after John died that another big change happened to them, Sam had his first vision. At first Dean thought that it was just a really bad nightmare but then Sam found his nightmare in the newspaper two days later and that was when they broke all communication with the Cabal. Dean knew of the tests that they did on Abnormals when they got their hands on them and he didn’t what that to happen to his younger brother. One of the things that he’d promise to John when he was younger, before the Cabal had gotten their hands on their father, was that no matter what happened, he would take care of Sam.

Now here they were sitting in a dark alleyway, at night, in the middle of a rain storm, waiting for a woman to come walking down it and be attacked. Dean glanced at his watch, “You didn’t happened to see a time in that vision of yours, did you?”

Sam grinned, “No, and I’m only guessing that it’s at night due to the fact that it was dark but with these rain clouds it could had been the middle of the day.”

“Great, just great,” Dean sighed leaning back against the wall. “Who would even be out here in the middle of this anyway?”

Sam shrugged, “Not sure but we got to help. Why else would I have gotten that vision?”

“Why can’t your vision ever be of the winning lottery numbers? I mean…”


Dean silenced at Sam raising his hand, listening closer he heard footsteps coming down the alley. He shifted away from the wall, getting ready to move when the attack went down; he pulled his side arm free checking to make sure it was ready. Dean leaned around the dumpster they were hiding behind and he saw her; first thought that he had was why would a woman like herself be walking alone at night, down a dark alleyway in the rain without an umbrella.

She was a little taller than an average height woman but that might have been from the heels that she was wearing; she had on a pair of dress slacks and a leather jacket zipped up against the cold and rain. Her hair was in wet curls going down to her shoulders, sticking to her face and it might have been brown but Dean couldn’t really tell in the darkness. She had her hands in the pockets of the jacket and she was glancing around as if she was looking for something or someone.

“So where are they?” Dean asked.

“Wait for it,” Sam said. Sam had wanted to just stop the woman from even coming down here but Dean pointed out that if they didn’t jump her they would just jump the next person that came down the alley; it took some time but he finally got that through Sam’s head.

The woman was half way down the alley when it happened, six men stepped away from the brick wall, and it was literally away. Looking closer he realized that they weren’t men, or at least not human. It was like six giant chameleons coming out of nowhere; their skin changing color from red brick to green scales of a lizard, there was no hair on any of their heads and none of them wore any clothes.

They circled the woman, herding her towards the wall, closing in so she couldn’t run past them. Dean held his gun at the ready, “Now?”


But the yell didn’t come from Sam, it came from the woman as she pulled a gun of her own from her jacket taking out one of the creatures before she was quickly pushed up against the wall, the gun getting knock from her hand.

“Move,” Sam shouted jumping from their hiding spot, pulling his own gun. Dean followed behind him but instead of moving to help her, Sam came to a halt as two others came from the street moving down the alley taking out more of the creatures. “What the hell?”

Dean leaned around his bigger, young brother to see what was going on; it was another woman wearing jeans, a tank top and a denim jacket and a man wearing jeans, a shirt, and a leather jacket much like the one the first woman was wearing. Each one had a gun but they weren’t shooting bullets, they were shooting some kind of small shock waves.

Dean was a little shocked, so he did the first thing that came to mind, he grabbed Sam and pulled him back behind the dumpster not wanting to get shot by mistake. “Did you see this in your dream?” Dean whispered to Sam, his brother just shook his head.

The guy shot at the Abnormal holding the woman to the wall, the creature flew to the side dropping her to the ground; he then made to stand in front of her as regain her feet. The other woman took a fighting stance taking out three of the Abnormals with her gun.

“That was fast,” Dean said, thankful that Sam had talk him into wearing black tonight to keep from being seen.

“Wait, weren’t there six of them?” Sam asked rising his gun.

The other three, whoever they were must had realized that at the same time, they had moved so they now stood back to back, their guns raised searching for the monster before  it came out of hiding. Dean held his gun facing towards the three but he never would had guess that the thing that they would hunting could still move when it was hiding in the wall. That thought came to him was only a mere second before he was sent flying through the air into the dumpster across the alley.


Dean barely heard Sam’s gun going off and then felt the dumpster moving beside him; he turned finding Sam unconscious against the green metal, blood running down the side of his face. The sound of footsteps drew closer, Dean shifted towards the monster heading towards them; his eyes searched the ground but he couldn’t see either of their guns anywhere, he did find a piece of wood though. He had to fight back the pain in his left arm as he reached for it, knowing that he probably shouldn’t be using it but it could move and he needed to protect Sam. Standing he moved between the thing and his brother, rising the wood getting ready to use it, he risked a quick glance trying to see what had happened to the three mysterious fighters.

The thing growled causing Dean to look back, he waited for the attack but it never came.

Instead the creature was attacked itself by something that came from the…sky. All Dean saw was a black shape that came from above, whether it jumped from the building or it actually came from the sky he wasn’t sure but from above it came. He stood his ground in front of Sam, not wanting to leave his brother but he watched as whatever it was fought the color changing creature. He heard shouting and footsteps running towards him splashing in the wet and realized that the other three were coming, he kneeled down next to Sam still holding the wood but only one seemed to take any notice of them. It was the first woman that had come down the alley by herself; she stopped right in front of the brothers and lowered her gun.

“Castiel, get down!”

Dean turned as the man yelled, the black shape that had come from above jumped out of the way while the woman in the denim jacket took a shot taking the monster out.

“Are you alright?” Dean looked to find the woman now kneeling before him, “Are you alright?” she asked again pushing some of her hair out of her eyes. Dean wasn’t sure but there seem to be real concern written on her face. Her eyes casted down towards Sam, “Your friend seemed to be in bad shape.”

He was about to correct her that Sam was his brother and not just a friend but he didn’t get to as the other two came over. “I think we got them all Doc.” The man said, lowering his gun but keeping both hands on it.

“Thank you Henry,” the woman kneeling in front of him answered. “Kate, would you please bring the van around?” The other woman nodded before running off down the alley. She turned back to Dean, “You’re very lucky Castiel came along when he did.”

“Who…?” He was going to ask who they were but the woman must had misunderstood the question, she turned pointing towards the shadows where the last creature now lying on the ground. A man wearing a suite and tie with a tan trench coat stepped out from the shadows but it wasn’t the man’s taste in fashion for a rainy night that had Dean staring at him with wide eyes; it was the two huge black feathery wings coming from his back, the rain running down them and off of the tips, Dean jumped to his feet rising the wood, he didn’t even blink when the other guy raised his gun at him or when the woman stood moving between the three of them.

“Everyone please just hold on,” she said rising her hands up towards Dean. “No one is here to hurt you.”

“Thanks for saving us lady but he’s an Abnormal and I’m one not to take quickly to Abnormals,” Dean said eyeing the winged man.

The woman’s eyes narrow at him as he said the A word, but she nodded anyway, “Alright then, how about we introduce ourselves first?” She placed one of her hands on her chest, “I’m Helen Magnus, and these are my assistants Henry Foss and Castiel.” She pointed to the man with the gun and then the winged one. “We’re from the Sanctuary.”

Dean stared in shock, they were from the Sanctuary; they were the people that Sam had been trying to find information about and now here they stood, the leader of the whole network and wasn’t it just Sam’s luck that he isn’t conscious. “Why…” he was interruption by a groan coming from Sam behind him. Dean hated to turn his back on the Abnormal but so far this Dr. Magnus hadn’t made any move to hurt them. He kneeled next to Sam placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder, keeping the wood in his other one; his eyes scanned over his brother and luckily the blood running down his face was the only wound that Dean could see. His clothes were getting soak from the wet ground, his blood mixing with the mud made by the rain. “Sammy?”

“Your friend looks like he could use some help,” Dr. Magnus said moving a little closer. “If you come back to the Sanctuary with us, we can check on his wounds.”

“Are you sure that’s safe Doc?” Henry asked.

“If they were here to hurt us Henry they could have done it while we were fighting the Chameleon Brothers.” Dr. Magnus said kneeling on Sam’s other side. “May I?” Dean didn’t understand at first but then he realized what she was asking, he nodded blinking the rain from his eyes. She leaned forward reaching for Sam’s neck, she checked for a pulse before moving her hand to his cheek and slowly turning his face towards her.

Dean was going to ask something but stop when he heard the sound of a vehicle, looking towards the entryway of the alley he saw a big black van pulling up; the other woman, Kate if he remembered right, jumped out of the driver seat and ran around to the back to open the double doors.

“Henry, help Kate with the Chameleon Brothers, Castiel could you please help…I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.”

“Dean Winchester, this is my brother Samuel.”

Dr. Magnus’s eyes narrowed again at the name and Dean couldn’t help but think that there was familiarly there as she looked from him to Sam. “I see, Castiel could you please help Dean with his brother?” she asked looking behind her to the Abnormal. “Not all Abnormals are evil Mr. Winchester,” she added as Castiel started moving towards them. “I’m calling ahead and inform Will to get the medical room ready.”

Dean watched as Dr. Magnus headed towards the van, Henry and Kate started working on the Abnormals. A splash drew his attention to in front of him Castiel was standing there his head cocked to the side as he stared at them. Dean still couldn’t see him that well but now that he was closer Dean could make out two blight blue eyes looking at him. He was a little unsure about doing this but Dr. Magnus was right, Sam needed the help and it wasn’t like Dean could take him to a hospital. What would he tell them, that they were fighting six giant lizards in a dark alley somewhere? Plus it wasn’t like they hadn’t met any good Abnormals in the past; it just always took Dean a longer time to trust them than it did for Sam.

“Um…you want to grab his other arm?” Dean asked as he wrapped Sam’s left arm around his shoulders. Castiel didn’t say anything as he moved to their side to help him, Dean even wonder if Castiel could talk or if he just stared at everything. Dean watched as he took Sam’s other arm slowly doing the same as him but also making sure that Sam’s arm wasn’t touching his wings. “On the count of three, we’ll lift him,” Dean said still not sure if the Abnormal could understand him or not, “one, two, three.”

It was a slow move, with Sam being taller than Dean and from the look of things taller than Castiel; it took a while for them to find a way to walk without tripping over each other’s legs. About half way along Dean spotted one of their guns on the ground, asking Castiel to wait he slowly bent down to pick it up and sliding it under his belt, they may be offering to help but he wasn’t going to go anywhere without being armed. Once they got to the van they moved to the side door instead of the back where Helen and Kate were working on the knock out Abnormals, Henry met them at the door to help with Sam.

“I’ll take his shoulders, you two grab his legs,” Henry said. Castiel moved from under Sam’s arm folding his wings out of the way as Dean and him slowly handed Sam over to  him. Moving to his brother’s legs, he was a little worry that Henry wouldn’t be able to lift Sam but for someone who seemed to have a small frame, he was actually pretty strong.

Dean glanced towards the back of the van as he climbed inside, Dr. Magnus was giving some kind of shot to the lizards, maybe something to keep them asleep until they got to the Sanctuary, she then carefully more through the van around them while Kate shut the doors and moved around the van to the driver seat. Henry took a seat in front of what looked like a computer built into the side of the van after helping Dean lay Sam onto a built in bed. Noticing that Castiel hadn’t gotten in Dean moved to the door, only the Abnormal wasn’t there anymore, “Where…?”

“He’s probably gone on ahead, he’ll meet us back at the Sanctuary,” Henry said not looking away from his computer.

“Castiel prefers flying to riding in cars,” Dr. Magnus said from the front as Kate started the van.

Dean gave a quick glance towards the sky, although the rain was starting to let up he still couldn’t see anything, he sighed as he shut the door. He moved back to his brother’s side taking a seat on the ground next to the bed, noticing Henry eyeing him he shifted placing one hand on Sam’s shoulder and the other on the gun under his belt. Sam needed the help but he wasn’t about to drop his guard while dealing with these people, Sam may believe them to be good and so far they haven’t done anything to prove that wrong; but as the van pulled away from the dark alley that Sam’s nightmare led them to, Dean couldn’t stop but wonder what their father would be thinking if he saw them right now.


word count: complete, character: castiel, character: henry foss, character: dean winchester, fandom: sanctuary, word count: 5000-10000, character: bigfoot, character: sam winchester, character: helen magnus, character: nikola tesla, type: fan fiction, character: will zimmerman, fandom: cw supernatural

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