31st Rainfall - [Video | Open to Action]

Dec 17, 2011 14:34

[Aqua's in the library, gathering a few books as part of a... mini project. If anyone were to get a closer look, they'd notice that the books were about France but she's not likely to let anyone get that close. There's a reason she went in the early morning to get these books. Looking out one of the windows, Aqua makes a face and opens her watch to send a video.]

Maybe I should have waited to come to the library.

[She wraps the books up snugly in her jacket, making sure to mark down what books she was taking along before heading out into the falling snow.]

This is mad, I should have stayed home.

[She pulls up the hood of her jacket and trudges on, eventually dropping her watch in a pile of snow. It records nothing but white for about five minutes before shutting off. In that time, Aqua steadily makes her way back to her apartment and runs inside. Already feeling the biting chill through her jacket. Right now, a nice hot cup of cocoa and a warm bath is the most appealing thing in the world.]

!event, aqua

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