E i g h t -video-

Nov 16, 2011 13:50

[ Once the feed is clear, after the shaking died down the camera was focused on a cringed Liechtenstein, who was currently grabbing her leg with both hands. Amazingly enough, the communicator fell on it's side, and close enough for her voice to be heard. Everything else was mostly out of range, although some lines in very bright colors were drawn around her. Maybe she was playing something? ]

A-anyone here that knows how to fix... uhm, I think it's broken? Or it might be sprained, but I can't tell... but it hurts.

[ Her voice shaked, but it stayed calm, mostly then she reached out with one hand to lightly tap the communicator. That should do it, someone had to know how to help with this? She never really had to deal with earthquakes, living in the mountains and all. ]

A-anyone else felt that?

c: leonard mccoy, liechtenstein

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