08 -- Video. Much to her chagrin.

Oct 16, 2011 00:48

[So, after the business with Break there's an Alice minding her own business in the room she lives in within Gil and Naoki's ~*~LOVE SHACK~*~. And quite possibly thinking about some of the people back home that she's left behind. All in all, it seems to be a relatively quiet day.]

Are you lonely, dear? You look like you want to play~

[Which is why, ( Read more... )

alice, !event, c: gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima

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[Video] loyalraven October 16 2011, 08:03:26 UTC
[You know what? Yeah, Gilbert wasn't entirely sure what that was. But it had Raven shuddering, and that was not a pleasant feeling. If for no other reason than what does that mean for Oz?

...and then what he hears on the communicator register. Damn it. This is what he gets for going out to get groceries. Groceries get left behind all at once and he's on his way back to the house. Or what's left of it. Oh god such a mess.

But he's hurrying home. And bursting through the door.] Alice..?!

[Must be important if he's using her name.]


[Video] bloodiedchain October 16 2011, 08:08:26 UTC
['Sup Gil. Alice was just totally getting broken by Will of the Abyss and Oz. Yep. Nothing to see here.

Said rabbit is just curled up in a ball in a corner of her now trashed room. Bother?

Oh, just watch the bedroom door. It's currently lying at the foot of the stairs.]


[Video] loyalraven October 16 2011, 08:10:59 UTC
[Gilbert looks around -- cringes at the mess he sees -- but jogs up the stairs.] Alice?

[And as he peeks into her room. Well. There she is. He frowns, hurrying over, taking a knee beside her.] What happened? Are you hurt?


[Video] bloodiedchain October 16 2011, 08:17:25 UTC

[She doesn't feel like talking. She tries to swat him away, but it comes off more as a pathetic wave instead. orz]


[Video] loyalraven October 16 2011, 08:22:19 UTC
[Not helpful, Alice. Gilbert sighs a bit and quite purposefully sets a hand on top of her head.] Tch. Stupid Rabbit. [It's said a bit exasperatedly and a bit fondly.] Those voices I heard on the watch. They were talking in lies. It keeps happening. Not just to you.


[Video] bloodiedchain October 16 2011, 08:27:33 UTC
[It takes a while for her to finally respond to Gil, but when she does she sounds tired. Frustrated. Quiet. Nothing at al like the loud and boisterous girl who would call him a seaweed head.]

It hurts. Hearing Oz say those things...


[Video] loyalraven October 16 2011, 08:31:06 UTC
[He sighs. A long suffering sigh. But some of this is just habit now. He takes a seat now, leaning back against the wall beside her. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. Quitting has hit a bump in the road again.] Of course it does. Because you know Oz. And you know he'd never say those things.


[Video] bloodiedchain October 16 2011, 08:40:36 UTC
How do I know he wasn't thinking it, though?

[She sounds bitter and defeated. Also rather hostile.]

I can still remember how even you used to distrust me, Gilbert.


[Video] loyalraven October 16 2011, 08:44:27 UTC
[Gilbert frowns, reaches over and thumps her on the head with his hand. Lightly. Mostly lightly.]

Oi. Because Oz is a better person than that. He doesn't work that way.

[He stretches his legs out in front of him and sighs.] I did. I thought you were going to hurt my master, to get him in trouble. Whether you meant to or not. And maybe you did. But then I saw how much he cares about you. And even you about him, you stupid rabbit.


[Video] bloodiedchain October 16 2011, 09:01:16 UTC
[Ouch. Alice is tempted to smack him upside the head for that one, but she sighs, glancing at the floor and nodding.]

Of course I do--! I admit I have my own reasons for needing his help, but like hell if I want him to get hurt... or worse, end up back in the Abyss.


[Video] loyalraven October 16 2011, 09:08:38 UTC
So then trust that. And trust in Oz. He cares about you. [Gilbert lifts his chin a bit.] Don't go mistaking a pitiful imitation for my master. Oz deserves better. From both of us.


[Video] bloodiedchain October 16 2011, 09:13:36 UTC
[There's a slow nod from Alice... as much as she hates to admit it he's got a point.

She sighs, uncurling and moving to lean back against the wall from Gil. A heavy frown is on her face -- and Gil will most certainly be able to see the streaks of tears on her face from when she was crying earlier.]

...I hate this. Break wasn't kidding when he said this wasn't something to be messed with.


[Video] loyalraven October 16 2011, 09:18:58 UTC
[Gilbert looks satisfied at the nodding. He sees those tears, all right. And it always a little startled when Alice goes and acts vulnerable. She's usually so good at acting obnoxious instead. He reaches over and sets a hand on her head. No smacking this time. Just leaving it there a moment.] It isn't. This place knows our weakest points. And it attacks them. [And oh is Gilbert familiar with weaknesses.]

So there's nothing to do but get stronger. And find a way out of here, for all of us.


[Video] bloodiedchain October 20 2011, 04:49:59 UTC
Yeah.... though it can't come fast enough for me.

[Alice sighs, staring blankly at the window as if it were a portal back home. Oh, how she missed Oz and the others... but until that time came there wasn't much else they could do but endure.]

... mind staying with me for a bit? It's only just to be sure I can stand! Not like I'm worried you're going to leave or anything...

[Awfully specific denial there, Alice.]


[Video] loyalraven October 20 2011, 04:59:31 UTC

[Gilbert shifts to lean back against the wall.] I told you before, I'm not leaving this place without everyone. They sent me back home, and I'm here again, aren't I?

All of us together or not at all. [A sigh.] Tch. Oz wouldn't forgive me if I left you behind, stupid rabbit. [It's not because he cares about her. Oh no.]


[Video] bloodiedchain October 26 2011, 01:49:55 UTC
I remember that. I'm still pissed off you found a way home in the first place.

[She sighs again before glancing at Gilbert seriously.]

Neither would I, for that matter. So... you'd better not...


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