
Oct 15, 2011 23:22

[There’s a definite air of confusion to the way the boy steps off of the train. For the first part, though the train may have a car, the car was not the train, and therefore this train was not the car. Oh geez. He was getting too wrapped up in this. Focus on the fact that he was entirely grounded somewhere that was not where he was previously. Not to mention that a crisis was at hand.

John sits on the floor, jumping back to an... odd sort of laptop, only further concerned when it refuses to work. This wasn’t good... enter slight panic. He needed to get a hold of Karkat, make sure his friend was alright.

As he puts the Crosbytop back into his sylladex, John takes notice of the watch, which seems conveniently set there where the appliance had just been. That was weird... he does check it out, in the hopes it could be useful... at the very least, it seemed to access a sort of text function. Maybe he could use this? He looks around before typing.]

oh geez please be someone out there, uh, maybe?
i really need a laptop or something to use!
mine kind of crapped out i think.
this is a matter of possible life or death!!!!!!!!

c: gamzee makara, john egbert, c: aradia megido

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