
Oct 16, 2011 01:58

[Doctor Leonard McCoy is not amused. But that's often the case anyway. It's the story of his life. And he sighs a bit even as he looks at the communicator. Don't mind that he's going to address the network like one might address the comm on a starship.]

This is Doctor Leonard McCoy. I've gotten myself situated in this little clinic set up here. It's a little like working out of the Dark Ages, but Nurse Chapel did a good job of making the best of things. So. We're up and running.

That said, I've heard a disturbing amount of things over this crazy little watch about people running in and getting themselves scraped up in what appears to be an amusement park attraction from hell. I'd like to offer my services if anyone needs patching up.

[A pause. A breath. And he continues. Just as dryly.]

That said, I'd also like to emphasize that I don't actually want to ever see any of you bleeding in my clinic. In fact, if I find myself twiddling my thumbs and not stitching or setting or casting, I'll be a happy man. I don't need the company, so don't feel compelled to get yourself injured for my sake. Do your very best not to fracture, shatter, cut, maim or otherwise break yourselves.

But when you do, I'll be more than happy to help.

...if it gets to be a habit though, we're going to have the mental health talk.

McCoy out.

c: samantha carter, leonard mccoy, c: Elizabeθ Buckley, c: gwendolyn chant, c: yoite

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