*001 [ Video / Action ]

Oct 16, 2011 00:37

[Holy shit. When did he wind up on a train? He does -not- remember winding up on a train. He had been taking a NAP, and was quite happily sprawled across his bed face down in some pillows last he checked thank you very much. Shit. He's going to be in so much trouble if he has picked up a sleep walking habit. Being scolded is not on his list of "Things I want to deal with."

He groans, slumping low in the seat on the train as it lurches to a stop, a petulant sort of pout sprawled on his features just as he dramatically slumps his way all the way to the train's floor.]

This is sooooooooooooo lame. I'm not really fond of kidnappers by the way! [He shouts the last part, pausing to look dramatically around the train cabin like someone could hear him. Grump. He huffs, pulling himself to his feet as he swings his newfound pocketwatch in a circle. He moves his hand quickly to catch it, and flips it open. He whistles in amazement, a manic grin spreading over his lips in response.] Pretty neat gadget though, I have to admit. I bet William would be super. Jealous.

[He fiddles with the watch, fairly quickly catching onto the device. Quickly enough the feed turns on, focused on his pleased little face.]

Soooooo... Who all is out there? Where is this exactly? Cause it's not home, and I've got a few things I've really really gotta deal with back there - I'm kind of a busy guy - so if whoever decided to be a sneaky jerkface could please put me back on the next magical train home I would really appreciate it.

...Oh! I'm pretty hungry too. Where's the best place to get something to eat when you're waiting on hearing back from nameless, creepy, and completely rude kidnappers?

[[ooc: as always with my kids, 110% open to action tags.]

c: xerxes break, cale

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