
Sep 23, 2011 13:10

[The video feed is blurry at first, as the watch and the person holding it are both very obviously in motion. Anybody who knows the layout of the library might recognize that as being the location on display as 202 paces for a few moments more in front of one of the battered old armchairs that can be found therein. Finally she comes to a halt and takes a seat with an impatient sigh of frustration, resting her watch on her knee as she draws it up close to her chest.

The look she turns on the camera isn't quite panic and isn't quite anger, but it's a fairly even mix of the two. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she takes a deep, steadying breath before she speaks.]

Have any of you seen Vash today? Switzerland? I-- He wasn't at home this morning, which isn't all that unusual, but while I was tidying up--The party, you know, there was quite a bit of mess left over--I came upon his... Well, his weapons.

All of them.

[And anybody who knows the nation in question knows just how out of sorts that is for him. 202 frowns and, clearly full of nervous energy, resumes her pacing.]

I don't want to leap directly to irrational conclusions, but in light of the city's changes...
If anybody has any idea where he is, or might be, please let me know. At the very least, he'll want his firearms returned. And if he's not around... Well, I think we all know what that means by now.

[The catacombs are most emphatically not 202's idea of a good time, but if that is indeed where he is... She moves to close the communicator, but stops halfway through the motion to add;]

...Hidan, Kakuzu, I'd appreciate it if either of you would get in touch with me just as soon as is convenient for you, please. I have a small favor to ask.

[...And without further remark, the feed ends as her device clicks shut.]

c: marluxia, c: hidan, unit 202, c: liechtenstein, c: sieg, c: germany, c: kakuzu, c: n. italy

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