[Accidental Video!]

Sep 23, 2011 01:31

[It had been a while since Ed's last trip to the library. So today he'd decided to go in and take a look around... for old time's sake, or something. He'd perused the shelves he used to go through everyday, idly wondering if anything new would appear-- and then, as though he'd willed it there, he found this new book. An alchemy book, no less. And when he pulled it out and looked through it, he actually... found its contents INTERESTING.

Which of course meant he needed to take it back to his and Al's apartment and share this glorious find with his brother. And that's where the feed cuts in; It's the video feed, and it's clearly accidental judging by all the quick movement and the sound of heavy booted footsteps. And then Ed reaches the apartment and throws open the door]

Al! Al, you've gotta get a look at this book I just found in the-- What the hell happened to... Where'd your head go?!

[The watch finally stops bouncing and swinging from where it's attached to Ed's belt, enough to let everybody get a look at what Ed's looking at.]

[Alphonse looks chagrinned -- or at least as chagrinned as one can look without a head to assist in the chagrin.] A-ah... well... [The hollow little voice is just as hollow, if not echoing even more at this point in time. He lifted a hand to rub at the back of his ah, let's say neck.] I don't know, Brother. I mean... it's... somewhere. I tripped down the stairs.

It can't have gone far. It's not really round or anything. [It was kind of a problem. It wasn't like he could leave the house like this. After all, what would people say? Of course, Alphonse is still rather blissfully unaware of the fact that Ed's communicator has popped on of its own accord, as the damn things tend to do.]

Help me look, Brother? Then show me what you found?

((ooc: Edward is Red! Alphonse is Blue! And replies to comments may come from either or both. 8D ))

alphonse elric, c: celty sturluson, c: lezard valeth, edward elric, c: lazlo

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