Kaoru 5 [Action, Audio, Accidental Video?]

Sep 13, 2011 07:56

[This is not the usual polished-and-put-together Kaoru that you know and love - nearly two months in the catacombs will do that to a person. His hair's grown longer than usual, his clothes are spattered and in some places saturated with red from slipping into the river a few too many times. And he's limping. He twisted his ankle somewhere along the ( Read more... )

c: s. italy, kaoru hitachiin, c: kyouya ootori, c: Elizabeθ Buckley, c: naoki kashima

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action? no, video. ko1122 September 13 2011, 01:30:52 UTC
{{stares. for a moment, he's taken aback... and then he's almost his usual self.}} Kaoru?


Video uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 04:06:36 UTC
[equally startled - shit, when did that happen?]

Ah... senpai.


Video ko1122 September 13 2011, 04:09:12 UTC
{{his voice is almost clinical now - that was a lapse in his composure that won't happen again}} You're injured.

-Go to the clinic.


Video uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 04:21:58 UTC
[sighs, rubbing one eye with the heel of his hand]

You can see this, right? I'd rather clean up first. [and sleep. And just generally not go]


Video ko1122 September 13 2011, 04:30:21 UTC
{{ignored.}} I believe they have facilities for you to clean yourself there.


Video uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 04:43:26 UTC
[Kaoru Hitachiin: Stubborn Child]

I don't want to go. I'm going home.


Video ko1122 September 13 2011, 12:12:03 UTC
{{pointedly}} Why don't you want to take care of yourself?


Video *kicks stubborn muse* uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 12:17:51 UTC
[silent for a moment, muscles clenching in his jaw as he grits his teeth]

...I want to go home, senpai. And if I can't do that, I'd rather get back to the flat I have here.


Re: Video *kicks stubborn muse* ko1122 September 13 2011, 12:19:45 UTC
{{a moment of silence. Then Kyouya asks flatly-] Where are you?


Video uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 12:22:40 UTC
[an equally flat chuckle] What, are you gonna drag me?


Video ko1122 September 13 2011, 13:26:55 UTC
Answer the question, Kaoru.


Video uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 13:28:29 UTC
...I'm at the park.


Video ko1122 September 13 2011, 13:35:55 UTC
{{so Kyouya's house is probably nearer than the clinic. What to do, what to do...}} If you won't go to the clinic, then you can come to my house. Don't go home. You need help.


Re: Video uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 13:40:56 UTC
[starts to protest] It's not that bad...

[...but acquiesces finally] ...all right.


Video ko1122 September 13 2011, 13:43:20 UTC
{{slowly}} Kaoru. You have been gone for two months. You can’t not have any injuries.

I'll be waiting.


Video - - -> Action uchimata_ja_nai September 13 2011, 13:48:48 UTC
...thanks. [he just nods once before cutting the feed and heading toward's Kyouya's place. It's miraculous he still knows the way. When he finally gets there it's a little like something from a zombie movie, the way he's shuffling along covered in blood from the river]


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