First ☆

Jul 21, 2011 14:53

[She had not remembered getting on a train- not that there was a train anywhere near where she was. What would they use to fuel it anymore, with the mako reactors all shut down?It is a concern, but not her biggest one right now- No panicking allowed.

She takes stock of what is around her as, as she steps off onto the train station platform. The signs there help, and they show her something that both is and isn't expected.

ShinRa, of course.]

So, who isn't affiliated with ShinRa? [Her tone is neutral, following the instructions on how to use the watch. Cissnei's voice might be familiar to some, it might not be. It has indeed been some time.] Really, I don't think they would be happy to see me.

[Then why is she talking about them? Simple, really, drawing attention to see which of them were really there.]

c: edogawa conan, c: abel nightroad, c: Elizabeθ Buckley, c: gwendolen chant, cissnei, c: rufus shinra, c: rikku

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