
Jun 16, 2011 07:16

[An unfamiliar face (to most of the city, likely) pops up on the communicators early in the morning, seeming supremely amused. He leans his cheek against the back of his hands, his knuckles, and peers down into the feed. It takes a moment before he speaks:]

My, my, my. Poor residents of our dear city, all these things are just so scary. [He shivers. For effect, you know.] Absolutely terrifying. I can't even go outside my door, you see, because of the fear. I've got goosebumps and everything.

[Holding up one arm. No, no he doesn't. Unperturbed, Gene carries on:]

Poor things, though, wouldn't it be nice to have an out, as it were? Pity these things don't just drop on your lap...

[A beat, and he continues on cheerfully:] Enough doom and gloom, though. The cathedral has a lovely view, I would think. Maybe you can cheer yourselves up by admiring it for a bit. Otherwise you all might just let yourselves become all overwrought.

[Grin. And the feed clicks off.]

(ooc: Thanks to a little magic, this is visible to both people within and outside the mirror world.)

c: elena mellas, c: edogawa conan, c: Elizabeθ Buckley, c: [npc] temper vale, [npc] gene jecklin, c: switzerland

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