[Audio/Action] Not a log, but I'm rating it R

Jun 11, 2011 10:41

[He'd destroyed them. Every single one of those mirrors in his apartment. The flames, the flames had been everywhere, his hideous face... He'd grabbed a pillowcase and ripped it into long shreds, wrapping them around his knuckles. Those hideous visages of him...those images of flames licking up the walls of his city. His home. He punched them. Furiously, madly, the mirrors cracked. Every last one. The hand mirrors, crushed beneath his boots. Shattered glass littered the place. His knuckles bled. But he was safe...nothing could get him, everything was fine...

Worried that the reflections...may have had some truth however, he grabbed his watch and ran out, his post in audio. He was on a mission- he'd get rid of these damn things.]

I've done eet. Break zem, shatter zem all, you 'ave-

[And then there's a pause in the feed, his frantic running steps slowing.]

France's Point Of View

((ooc: Audio still rolling))

[The flames were gone...they were gone. But now, here, in the town square, surrounding him, a circle of guillotines. He froze when he saw the first one, his shaking breath audible on the watch. He turned, looking around at the others, tears of fear, anger, hate beginning to form.]

Non...non, zis was gone...eet's... [A few heavy breaths] MAXIMILLION! COME OUT!

[He turns a few times, looking for the man. His former boss who had slaughtered most of his people...who had forced him to... and then he gasps. He sees...a lovely woman, wavy locks, in jeans and a low-cut blouse...Christine Chapel, as he'd last seen her when they'd dined together. Her eyes in a daze, and her hands tied behind her, she walks up to the platforms of one of the guillotines, led by an old-style executioner. He shoves her down, forcing her to lie down and put her neck in the path of the blade.

Francis dropped the watch, which continued to broadcast audio.]

Non, let her go!

[A short pained cry only audible to Francis's ears called behind him, and he turned to see Aqua being led up, too. His eyes widen in horror. All around him...people he'd just met here, people he'd known for a while...Christine, Aqua, Goro, Theta, Teddie, Cross, Count D, Hakkai, Grell, Gilbert, Naoki, and Liz. He was frozen in fear, hardly breathing, thinking that the slightest motion might set them all off at once.

He was right.

He whispered a single word.]


[And the blades all fell.

A scream of agony tore through his throat, but couldn't drown out the sickening thuds of heads falling into baskets, and he fell to his knees. He was reciting the names of those dear ones, in disbelief. He wretched but nothing came forth. His body shook with sobs as the pools of blood began to reach toward him.

But anyone who passed by? Would see nothing at all but a hysterical man clutching at his stomach on the ground.]

france, c: aqua

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