† 016.

Apr 08, 2011 20:31

[rikku is standing outside in her thief garb, looking confused as all get-out. she brushes her bangs out of her eyes and cocks one hip to the side. her little scout is perched on her shoulder, and scampers up her hair to sit on top of her head, giving a little whirring chirp before she starts to speak.]

So, uhm. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but isn't this kind of a... really super drastic change? I went to bed last night to the same old, dreary city, and now I wake up and it's one rainbow short of perfect?

[she begins to tug on one of her braids, brow furrowing above her spiraled green eyes.]

Anybody got an explanation?

c: kairi, c: reno, rikku, c: rufus shinra

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