[Action] Lesson O3

Jul 11, 2010 16:50

[To those who had been lost in wondering where she had gone, what had happened to her among others things, it had been almost two weeks. To her, time had no tick. She hadn't seen a sunrise let alone a sunset for what felt like an eternity. Time had blurred together, warped into an x factor that she no longer lived by to keep herself in a steady frame of mind. The shouting of the fight had long since ceased. It was invaded instead by pain. Numb pain.

Lacerations could barely be made out through all the tangling plumes of black smoke that were filtering from them. As she stepped into the sunlight, it became more apparent how extensively burdened she was with injury. Her coat wept with open, jagged holes. One of the sleeves was completely missing as was a tassel meant for her hood. She didn't know how long she had been walking or how she had gotten out of the catacombs. Nor was she really in the right mind to register that anyway. Whatever that had caught her though... had seemed to grow bored of this toy. Perhaps it had moved on to find another one, even.

She took a few more steps before she simply collapsed. Her hand reached feebly for the pocket where her communicator was, but it wasn't there. It hadn't been since she dropped it in the park. Her eyes closed and she drifted. In and out. In and out.]

(ooc: Moving on from the Slenderman event. If people are confused as to why it's been two weeks, it's because I have been backdating a lot with her. Rose, let me know if I have to adjust this in any way.)

c: naoki kashima, c: axel, xion

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