First Solo | [Video]

Jul 11, 2010 03:06

[The feed opens to show the back of the head of a young man. He was humming an upbeat tune to himself, his fingers running through his dirty blond mullet. He combed himself meticulously, as if naturally driven to make it look just perfect. After a few more minutes of grooming, he turned around to face the camera, a wide, painted smile on his face ( Read more... )

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Comments 109

hungriestmonkey July 11 2010, 07:15:38 UTC
Nobody knows what's going on, you know. [He nods at this pretty seriously.]

Well all came on the train though. Do you remember how you got on it? 'cause I don't. And I don't know anybody else who does either.

Anyway. [He pauses, considering how to be helpful here.] This is Ruby City! And umm, you probably didn't mean to be here, but you're here now. And there's no way out yet, so you're kind of suck with the rest of us.

But! There's lots of food in the shops. And lots of the houses and buildings are empty so you can find somewhere to stay. [Is he helpful yet? He's trying to hard, especially without his normal supervision.]


sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 07:20:58 UTC
[He placed both hands on his hips, stretching himself backwards. A bit of confusion plagued his face. Ruby City? Doesn't sound familiar at all. He thought hard, trying to figure out what had happened that would have put him on that train. All he could remember was darkness. Darkness and nothingness. Then, all of a sudden, he was sitting on a train. It was crazy.]

Huh. Now that you mention it, I don't remember how I got here. Pretty messed up, huh?

[He reached up and scratched the back of his head.]

Oh well. Better than being dead, right? I'm sure I can find something to do.

[And by something, he meant relaxing, sleeping, or all around slacking off.]

(Reply to this)


hungriestmonkey July 11 2010, 07:23:24 UTC
[Goku nods aat that.] Seriously messed up. I don't like not knowing what happened. I mean, what if something bad happened to my friends I was with and I just don't remember it?

[He blinks though.]

Well, yeah. That's true. And there are some really nice people here too. So it's not so bad. [Goku's been trying to convince himself of this for a while now.]


sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 07:26:34 UTC
[Demyx sat and thought about what Goku had said. What had happened to his friends...or at least the closest thing he could call his friends. Organization XIII was a wreck the last he checked. Everyone was being killed, either by Sora, or by each other. But still, everyone there was strong.]

Eh...I'm sure that my friends are just fine. They can handle themselves. You should think the same about yours.


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sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 07:40:38 UTC
[He took a step backwards, a pained look on his face.]

Uhh...Larxene! You're here.

[Great. Of all the people in the world. It looked like he hadn't escaped the witch's grasp yet.]


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sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 07:56:00 UTC
What can I say...? It's what I'm good at. I see you're as jolly as ever. Good to know!


[video] viiinote July 11 2010, 07:36:42 UTC
...Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.


[video] sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 07:58:44 UTC
Well hey! It's good ol' Axel. Didja miss me?

[He grinned wide, giving Axel a thumbs-up.]


[video] viiinote July 11 2010, 08:00:24 UTC
[Smiiiirk] Kinda hard for us Nobodies to really miss each other, don't you think?


[video] sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 08:04:04 UTC
Aw come on, Axey-boy! Give us Nobodies a little more credit than that. I missed you. Can't you just miss me too...?


[video] xlovexbugx July 11 2010, 13:14:11 UTC
I just got off a train too!

It's soooooo weird!

I bet Kensei dumped me on that train to nowhere just to get rid of me!

Meanieeeee. [She pouts childishly.]


[video] sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 17:21:49 UTC
[Demyx looked this girl over. Short green hair, tiny face with large hazel eyes. After thinking for a moment about the girl, he decided that she fit under the description of "cute".]

You too, huh? The whole getting abandoned thing seems to be pretty normal around here. Totally sucks.

But hey! You just got off too, right? You must be nearby!


[video] xlovexbugx July 12 2010, 09:41:54 UTC
You're absolutely right! [Great big pout.]

It sucks hard.

[She shakes a bit, which in turn makes the little pocketwatch shake. She just might throw another one of her tantrums.]

K-KENSEI, why'd you have to be so stupid?! You were my Captain, idiot! You should've-

Ah? [Paying attention to the rest of the message, she starts a proper reply.]

Uh-huh! I haven't really moved yet. I was planning on taking a look around, y'know, to make sure nothing's off about this place!


[video] sitarrockstar July 12 2010, 17:00:01 UTC
[Demyx's eye twitched from the combination of motion sickness watching the screen shake, and her loud yelling. Tch. Chicks and their baggage.]

Well good. Would be great if we could find a tour guide or something. You'd think a place like this would have something like that.


[Video] dreamoffayth July 11 2010, 17:57:48 UTC
[Was this guy seriously...? Tidus chuckled and shook his head.]

I doubt any memo could prepare you for this. It's a city that everyone's stuck in from what I hear. I don't know about you though, but that's not sitting real well with me, so I'm helping with finding a way outta here.


[Video] 1/2 sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 18:07:21 UTC
[Demyx blinked for a moment.]

Oh hey. Note cards! You're right!

[He reached into his pocket and penned through them, looking for something that will help. He stumbles across one card, stuck to the back of what he thought to be the last one. He pulled it off.]

Oh~? Whats this? Some hidden nugget of knowledge left for me?

[He squinted his eyes, looking at it.]

"If aggression fails to subdue target, you are probably going to die."


2/2 sitarrockstar July 11 2010, 18:08:02 UTC


dreamoffayth July 12 2010, 23:24:14 UTC

Oh, Spira.]

That's... [It started as a "snerk". And then he cracked down into some hardcore, fist pounding laughter.]


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