
Jan 01, 2011 23:10

[Gilbert has made the mistake of taking a nap in the middle of the day. He hadn't meant to. He'd been reading, and drifted off. Further compounding this mistake was his choice to do such in the living room on the couch. But the fire in the fireplace was warm, and the couch was comfortable. And it's only now as he shifts and his communicator topples ( Read more... )

c: maciel, gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima, c: xion

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seasaltblues January 2 2011, 04:15:58 UTC
[There was something off about her glimpse as she turned on her communicator. Something half-forlorn and half-sympathetic. Studying him all the same... Maybe she was better off leaving him alone, but...]

...I'm really not sure. If you can. But... I like to think that the memories themselves never disappear. Even if you can't remember them yourself. They're still there.


loyalraven January 2 2011, 04:23:01 UTC
[Gilbert notices the expression, but his own is sufficiently far away enough that he isn't really one to talk at the moment. He nods though at that.]

They happened. Whatever they are. That doesn't change, even if... [A shake of his head.] I don't know why I'm thinking so much on it lately. It shouldn't... does it make a difference?


seasaltblues January 2 2011, 04:28:35 UTC
Do they...? You mean the... [She paused a little and turned her gaze from him. Her hand slowly coming to touch her hood. Evenly as she could.] ...It's hard for me to say. I've... never lost my own memories.

[She hadn't. But...]


loyalraven January 2 2011, 04:37:10 UTC
Mm. I don't mean to... I guess I'm just talking. [He looks at her curiously.] It's never bothered me before all that much is all.


seasaltblues January 2 2011, 04:46:54 UTC
[Just talking? But was that really the truth of things? At least from her experience, she didn't exactly divulge in things unless it really bothered her. Especially talking with others about it. Still... She didn't want to press. A careful conclusion fit her brow, caused it to furrow.]

But it bothers you now... How come?


loyalraven January 2 2011, 04:49:06 UTC
[Well, now that is a good question. Gilbert just shakes his head slightly.] A dream, about those days. But it's... just a dream. Things my mind put together that don't make any sense.


seasaltblues January 2 2011, 04:55:10 UTC
[Right... The dream. Of course. She nodded in turn. Eyes closed.] I guess... It's not really surprising though. Dreams can feel so real... you know?


loyalraven January 2 2011, 05:02:34 UTC
They can. Too real sometimes. It makes me wonder... [Another shake of his head and he summons up a smile.] But I've been rude, I think. How are you, Xion?


seasaltblues January 2 2011, 05:06:26 UTC
[Rude? Not at all. She would rather hear him out and help him if she could. But at that, she smiled a little while she mirrored him with a shake of her own head.] I've been alright, really. I... [Fiddling a little bit with her hood again.]

Thank you again. For dinner on Christmas. It was... really good. [Don't mind the fact that she thanked him thrice over already.]


loyalraven January 2 2011, 05:43:45 UTC
[That has him smiling, genuinely, and shaking his head.] It was really nice having you over. I'm glad you came. [He is. For himself as much as for Naoki. Xion is important to Naoki, but Gilbert finds he likes the girl for his own reasons as well.] We're always happy to have you over.


seasaltblues January 2 2011, 05:50:46 UTC
[Oh, she could tell... and that made her own smile come off more warm than hesitant as it had been lately. She was really doing a lot better. And a lot of it admittedly had attested to the company of he and Naoki and their housemates that evening a week or so ago.]

I'm glad I got the chance... Maybe one day, you and Nao can come over. [She would have to get the okay from Axel and Naminé, but... They wouldn't mind, would they?

...Of course, it would help if she sorted things out with Axel.]


loyalraven January 2 2011, 06:02:01 UTC
[He blinks at that before another smile finds his face and he nods.] Mm. I'd like that. I'm sure Naoki would too.


seasaltblues January 2 2011, 06:33:48 UTC
[Okay... She might have snuffed out a little giggle there at the prospect. Just picturing what Naoki would say to that...] He probably would. So... [And then there was that hesitance again. But still.] I'll talk to Axel.


loyalraven January 2 2011, 06:46:18 UTC
[Oh? Are there things Gilbert is unaware of. He blinks at that for a minute.] Axel? Do you live with him? [Gilbert's met Axel over the communicators a few times.]


seasaltblues January 2 2011, 06:49:44 UTC
[Oh, that earned a blink in turn.] Huh...? Yeah. He and I... [How to phrase this...]

...I know him from my world. He's... [And she clutched a hand to her chest at this.] ...one of my best friends.


loyalraven January 2 2011, 07:08:58 UTC
[A faint smile at that and he nods.] I see. It's good then, that you have friends from home in this place.


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