New Year's was awesome. It didn't matter this year that I had nobody to kiss or that i wasn't drunk or that I knew everything. It was simply, good times. I know that sounds stupid but, it was just so much fun. I worked until 10 then drove out to dillsboro/versailles, for meg and kylie's party. I knew that it was going to be a long drive and
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------ so were you drunk or not?? Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant. Did you mean you weren't drunk at midnight but then obviously went on to further explain how you got drunk later in the evening/morning? I just wanted some clarification. This would just help out my point in that something can most definitely be fun if you don't have a significant other or are drinking. Hell, I've done either one of those or both for years at a time. So you get no sympathy from me. You started out saying you were struggling to find the place, were almost in tears, and arrived at 11:52. All of that was obviously not fun, or at least how you explained it. So if you meant that the very moment of midnight was fun, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Also, you went on to explain how you were drunk as a bum in the red light district by the end of the night. So, that being said, Did you not have any fun until you got drunk?? You've now contradicted yourself. Maybe just explain what you meant a little. Adios!!!
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