Jan 04, 2006 01:53
New Year's was awesome. It didn't matter this year that I had nobody to kiss or that i wasn't drunk or that I knew everything. It was simply, good times. I know that sounds stupid but, it was just so much fun. I worked until 10 then drove out to dillsboro/versailles, for meg and kylie's party. I knew that it was going to be a long drive and such but, i wanted to spend it with people that I knew would be a blast to hang out with. I got lost on the way out there b/c i didn't follow exact directions. Basically, the street before their street has the same name but, just w/ a west in front of it. I'm sitting there like almost crying driving down these backroads, at 1148 and thinking to myself my god i do not want to be in the car at midnight. I didn't get recepetion so I couldn't call, i finally back traced and arrived at meg's at 1152. I walk in and meg tells me to drop all of my stuff b/c its time for catch up! They have a fully stocked bar, including 2 beer taps. It's a gorgeous house, and was my first time there. So i do a shot of jack and have my champagne and am double fisting. I find kelly and ben and cassie and eddie. and rang it in with them. It didn't matter that i was basically at an all couple's party bc you don't feel like your surrounded by couples. I don't know, for the most part it was a drama free night and it was a total blast. At midnight all the boys went out on the upstairs porch to shoot their guns into the woods, Mouse had a little problem trying to find his bullets, which he swore he hid in back of ben's rifle case, and when he went to get them they were gone. Now, the logical sober person would say, Mouse, you probably didn't put them there (which i said) in which case he replies the dogs took them and hid them from me... All in all i ended up totally drunk, the next morning still was hungover and i think driving home i might have had a buzz... Sunday, was the worst hangover i've ever had in my entire life. If you saw me at work, you know that that is true. The only drama at the party came from this girl that befriended me early when i first got there, totally nice, sweet (turns out she was the same person that got into a bar fight at dew drop the night before thanksgiving).. I dunno what happened but, she like turned into another person, and started giving me dirty looks and then her and Mouse left (mouse is her bf) bc she wanted to fight me, i dont know what the hell happened and neither does kelly or meg, but meg says the girl is like that.