I got some great links from my Digital Arts in Context class. They really make me want to take that Robotics & Physical Computing class next semester...
These first two artists make mechanical things that move without using electronics or anything digitally. It's all in the structure!
Arthur Ganson Theo Janson And this artist has a similar concept but his work is digital:
Choe U Ram And this French 3D animation was shown in my Audio class:
90 Degrees And this is a Vimeo album of my professor's Robotics & Physical Computing Class... Hmm, I wonder if I can take this class without pulling my hair out. XB I have experience with the Arduino board and Processing but it was a year ago and I really hated Processing but I liked Arduino. I also like the idea of building something with my hands- it's just programming it that I might not be crazy about hahaha.
To pull or not to pull the hair?