Back from the Dead!

Aug 31, 2009 19:07

School has started again today! Ah, time to bring out the coffee and lose some sleep.

By the way, did you guys hear? Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment? What?

Marvel SOLD for 4 Billion!

I really don't see how Marvel can benefit from Disney besides having their animators one up their square looking cartoons, but at the same time, when was the last time Disney released a traditionally animated movie that made it big?

Every movie from what I've seen by Disney as of late is 3D with Pixar or real movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, Chronicles of Narnia etc. Other than that, they're either taking old classics and putting them on DVD, "digitally re-mastered with extras" Oh joy or taking these tween shows of some of the creepiest and perkiest teenagers you've ever seen from the Disney channel and turning their stars into movies. The last traditional movie out by Disney is not even Disney's, but Studio Ghibli's Ponyo- which I've heard wasn't as pleasing as as Miyazaki's past movies.

Ponyo on Disney

So yeah, and Marvel had to share profits on their Spiderman movies with Disney which I don't really see why is Disney had no hand in making them. *shrugs* Yeah, so last movie I've seen by Disney that was traditionally done and I loved was The Emperor's New Groove and Lilo & Stitch. I can't think of anything recent so I can only hope Disney's very purpose is to use this opportunity with Marvel to bring their traditional animators back from the dead and I can only hope that Disney will do no more than stamp their logo somewhere on Marvel's movies. Somehow I don't feel like Disney can pull off Marvel's Superheroes, especially since some of them aren't kid friendly...


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