Jan 07, 2009 19:37
This new diet (starving myself) is really working good, since last thursday Ive gone down from 173 to 168.... DAMN. im not playing games with this diet, i will not eat anything that is too many calories, no exceptions..as long as i never eat bad, it goes away fast, the people who eat bad during the weekends are the ones that cant lose weight fast, you gotta do it all at once...maybe..i donno..but its going away. i am going to work out tomorrow.
The auditing is finally over! now things can go back to normal!!!
what i ate
Fiber Cerial/ yogart (300 cal ?)
Lexi's famous Taco (400 cal?)
Sun chips (145 cal? )
homemade eggs bendict (with fiber toast, eggs) ( 500 cal?)
total 1345 calories.. I will be working out legs tomorrow at the gym
i have had a non stop headache..my body still hasnt learned to be without soda....it hurts at night...mixed with the tears
bye forever