(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 12:42

journal = gimmeabanana

lol lost Diddy's SBG app because now the FIRST app post disappeared, so here's Diddy's Island app instead which I accidentally posted on his journal thinking it's his SBG app.

Your Name/what you go by: Cammi
AIM/E-mail/contact info - some way of reaching you: gerako@gmail.com, "timetrialon" on AIM
Your character's name (last, first): Kong, Diddy
Series your character's from: Diddy Kong Racing
Background info on your character:
A happy and heroic (as he can get) monkey of his early teen years, Diddy Kong blissfully resides on Kong Island with his best friend Donkey Kong, girlfriend Dixie, and their family of more kongs. Diddy also serves as Donkey Kong's little sidekick as they oftentimes went on adventures together, from the day the evil King K. Rool stole their entire banana hoard (yes, bananas!) through K. Rool's more constant obsessions with kidnapping all their friends and relatives (and Diddy himself as well, though he's usually the first to be rescued). Whenever Diddy and DK aren't saving their world, they're lazilly exploring the beaches or the Northern Kremisphere looking for something to do. And if Diddy wasn't venturing around with his best buddy, he would be with his girlfriend. And with any of King K. Rool's Island/Banana-domination antics only spicing up adventure life instead of ruining peaceful life, all was well in the world.

One day, however, Diddy received a distress letter from a distant pal named Timber the Tiger. Timber's island paradise of racetracks was being taken over by an evil alien tyrant named Wizpig and he needed help. Rather than pulling Donkey Kong into this since he was busy with other matters, Diddy called on Dixie and her little (though taller) sister Tiny Kong to come with him to Timber's Island and help thwart Wizpig ((This is the DS adaption to the story)). With the help of Taj the Genie and T.T. the gigantic stopwatch, Diddy and his friends were racing through the island's tracks to beat Wizpig at his own race.

Suspicious of why Diddy and the girls were leaving the Island so suddenly, one of K.Rool's evil minions by the name of Krunch was stalking them the whole time- and even joined in on the races.

According to Taj, the driver to succeed first place in the most races would be deemed a good enough driver to take on Wizpig. While everyone tried with their might, it's sure enough that Diddy's the hero here, and is gonna be the one to save the day. He's one to never let anyone down!

... except for whenever he gets kidnapped!

Taj was able to grant wishes at the rub of his lamp located in his tent, and someone apparantly wished Diddy away where he ended up on this island.

No relations to anyone else currently on the island.

Sample post: (First person point of view, please)

This ship is gonna take us home, I just KNOW it!

I'm on my third day of venturing here. I really don't know what to say. It looks abandoned, but all the decor and furnishings are so fresh and clean- for wealthy people! There's been a lot of humans gathering around, too. Some of them are exploring the ship like me, but most of them are just here to pilfer the goods like a bunch of pirates!

No matter! I just need to find my way to the captain's wheel and maybe I can get this boat working and get us all out of here! Back to our real homes! I bet I could use this lobster to pick all the locks I come by...

And then there's all this extra-quilted toilet paper I've gathered... that doesn't contain much use.

Seriously, We better get out of here before the island starts raining phone charger cables! ... which I have to add will be hallucinated as internet smileys like everything else the next time I eat one of the bananas here.

A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:
His clothes (hat and shirt), some silver coins, and his airplane

diddy kong, i_s_l_a_n_d_rp, character app, retired

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