The Sims 3 Experience... Or Mucking Around Until Stuff Happens

Jun 05, 2009 13:13

So I've had the game for a whole 2 days! And boy! What craziness! So crazy that I decided to share what happened.

So my sister and I decided to recreate ourselves. We literally spent hours making them. There are just SO many options! (Even without curly hair.) I changed my sim about 20 times before I was like "ok.. We should actually play the game now" She did a better job than I did. (She even told me so.)

My traits were: Absentminded, Friendly, Artistic, Brave, and Family-Oriented. Favorites were: PB&J, a color I thought was red but turned out to be orange, and Latin music. (They don't have rock music?! Well... They wouldn't have latin rock music anyway... Still!) And her LTW (lifetime wish haha) was to be master of the arts.

Hers were: Absentminded (it's genetic), Bookworm, Artistic (also genetic), Loner, annnnnnnnd...... Hmmm... What was it? Err... Anyway. Her favorites were: hot pink, hamburgers, and indie rock (although she says it's more pop music than indie in game.) Her LTW was to become an illustrious author.

So my sister gets to play first (because that's how it works), and she moves us in. Takes our sims out, skill them a bit. Then she moves out, and plays her sim in her new swamp house which she bought, because it has a "moat". After 8pm it is now my turn to play. (Excited! Oh, that's right. She's excitable.) So after looking in the manual because switching your main family house isn't as straight forward as I am use to in the sims 2. Sims 3 it goes straight to the house you played last and not a neighborhood. Which is convenient and not at the same time. In order to switch between houses you have to go into "Edit Town" which sounds more like changing the landscape and what not and not really switching your household. But you can change your main house there. Anyway, when I came back I found this...

See if you can spot the difference.

Yes, after my sister moved out (taking all the money with her because I suppose that is how it works. Luckily she left me the furniture) I came back and found a little baby boy named Tom. I THOUGHT we had changed the story progression settings, but the existence of Tom proved us wrong. Now, I have no idea how I got Tom. Adoption? Did she birth him herself? Who is the father? I have no idea, as there are NO MEMORIES in the Sims 3. Or, as far as I am aware. I looked into the family tree but it only lists me as his parent. So he could be adopted.

As you can imagine I was freaking out a bit. My sim is SINGLE, and a YOUNG ADULT with a baby. She only has 2 cooking points, and NO JOB. Also we had no money because a sim who moves out takes all the money, but we have furniture to sell!!! Oh, to hell with it. I used motherlode. After a few days (thank god you can view the baby's stats) Tom grew up into a toddler.

Now Tom had traits as a baby, and they didn't change when he turned into a toddler. His original traits were Good, and INSANE. His favorite color is pink, he likes electronica music, and I forget his favorite food. (This is crazy.)
Anyway, I was able to potty train, and teach him to walk. A sim toddler is a toddler for 6 days, and he learned pretty fast (two potty trips to learned status), however I'm sure learning is different for all sims. My kid could just be a genius. Sim tots can learn skills by toys (classic building blocks, and tinker clang clang xylophone thing. No Charisma bunny) or by your sim READING to them! Finally! A use for reading to your kid! You can buy several different books for your kids, each gives them a different skill. I suggest the Johnny Sprocket series. (=p Harry Potter for sims.) New things! Besides the books there are NO CHANGING TABLES. You can just click on your sim baby/tot to change their diaper and you do not need to throw it away as it just VANISHES. Also, you can not bathe either your baby or toddler! In order to get their hygiene up you must change their diaper! OH! And the cutest of all, you can NAME YOUR TEDDY BEAR! Also fish and different things that deserve names. But naming a teddy bear! How cute!

Tom's bear is named Woogie.

Of course being a single young mother is difficult. So sim Sushi has been looking into finding a father. (Obviously not looking that hard).

Meet... er... The Handyman. Whatshisface. My sim keeps breaking all her sinks so we've had to constantly call him over. He was actually the first sim that took to Tom so that's basically the only reason he's in the running. Tom knew him before he knew my sister! He's actually a really grumpy sim, but he's all she has so far.

Tom is now a child (no picture, we forgot to turn off aging), and sim Sushi will probably be marrying Whatshisface. He will be getting a new hat. Anyway, all these pictures were taking with the game on the lowest settings! Still pretty good.

Cute fact: The kids channel on the tv was shot using the Sims 2!

I went back and made a new sim (using pictures this time!) the results are much more accurate:

The only thing I'm noticing now is the mouth. The width of the upper and lower lip is wrong. But it's easy to correct.
I also made Ben:

He says he looks like A-Rod. Nyah. If he didn't want to look like A-Rod he should have not done whatever blah blah blah. I did it using a picture provided by Mr. Not A-Rod (B-Rod).

Will have more stories to tell later. I still am unsure on how to use the storyteller mode. Or where to find it. xD Too many buttons!

simselves, how is it?, sims 3, tom

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