Mar 22, 2005 13:01
jessica lundsford. enough said there. um, why are there 50 registered sex offenders within a six mile radius in this county? really, why? and why are these sick bastards not chained to their floors? isnt it a little generous to allow them to roam and, i dont know, enter houses and take children? oh yeah, thats right, we're america, christian conservative fucking america, and we believe that there is good in everyone... this is why we let fuckers like couey do as they please, until they "offend" again, and on a larger scale. this is why we take risks like this. and, i'm sorry, maybe congress should consider this petition circulating now, thank god for mark lundsford and people like him, instead of deliberating personal crises until midnight, can we say, too much interference with terri schiavo????? omg! i thought christians didnt believe in life support? well apparently its inhumane to allow someone who has been in an unconscious state, that is, unaware of her surroundings or herself, for fifteen years, to finally just let go and go to heaven. how can you keep someone from going to heaven? this is my real plea, not satirical or critical as some may suppose, but honestly, whats inhumane here really? maybe the political system, who thinks it has the right to turn this fight into a battle for civil rights because it wants to appeal to christian conservative voters and ensure that the republican party stays dominate. you think????????? regardless of your stance on the schiavo issue, you have to see the detriment of allowing the government to gain this much control over what has been a family argument for years... something about this has to be unconstitutional. not that it would matter to gw. fucking asshole. ten points for america again.
and the school shooting. sad... after those headlines last night, they were discussing the possibility of raising the driving age, based on biological evidence that the brain is underdeveloped at 16, inevitably leading to the irresponsibility and increased risk taking of young drivers. but again, here is yet another case mounted on age, which, understandably, is the only reasonable method for determining standards like when you can drive and vote and see rated r movies... but, honestly, this is an argument over maturity, which varies drastically in everyone. for instance, you can say that the average 16 year old brain is underdeveloped, but this doesnt mean that some 16 year olds arent more capable than some 25 year old drivers who are more prone to distraction. in the same respect, you cant base a person's capacity to vote on age. a 17 year old straight A government student likely understands american politics better than a 30 year old college dropout who votes according to which party his parents belong to. anyway, this is simply my point, but you arent going to see maturity tests conducted on every citizen to determine whether or not they are qualified for things like this, it just irritates me, because people argue their views with age as the only defense. and theyre wrong. :)
and really, a few generations ago, one would not have to worry about age standards, because life was extremely different. my first point being, children worked, walked to school, and were considerably more disciplined. people in general i think have devolved to a state plastered with greed and conceit, and therefore, we want. and we do horrendous things to get what we want. people hesitate to help one another, and fail to see the truth of given situations. in general. i suspect that kids never postulated bringing dad's rifle to school and killing classmates and teachers in 1930. and i dont imagine that an incredulous number of parents worried about their children being prospective targets for sexual attackers. the news makes me cringe. and i'd love more than anything to abandon the newspaper and the television, and pretend that i dont see photographs of dead american soldiers and their children, or a destroyed mark lundsford, every time i look at any of it. but i really feel that the fatal mistake of humanity will occur when we all stop caring. when we all take the easy way out, and remain selfish, concerning ourselves with what only effects us directly, and shielding ourselves from the realization of whats happening here. how many more shootings, wars, kidnappings, murders... how many times more will we allow people to hurt and manipulate other people before we understand that something needs to be done? i dont understand why so many of my friends even, just do not care about anything like this...
...going to work.