Germany and School

Sep 02, 2006 10:35

So I'm back in the States. I wish I weren't. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and my home and my friends, but things were so amazing in Germany. I have so much to tell, I don't know where to start. It's taking so long just to get the stories sorted in my head I don't know how I'll sort them on paper (well... you know). I wish we could get the teams together again, but that's going to be next to impossible especially since school's started.
speaking of school I love all of my professors except my Biology teacher. It's not that I hate her, she's just not nearly as cool as my other teachers. I absolutely LOVE my Lit. class. We just read Beowulf, that's not the part I love, but Prof. Crunk (no joke, that's his name) gets so excited about the story and what we say about the story that, while you're in class, you forget about the fact that you didn't like reading it. He's great.
Back to germany (I know this is the most ADD post ever but whatev). Ich liebe Deutschland. I really want to go back. I would love to spend a year there. It wasn't just the people that made it great either. It was so beautiful over there. It's hard to describe it. Everything is grouped closer together so you can walk everywhere that you need to go. And becuase everything is grouped closer together you have these wide open spaces of fields and forest and mountains. It's so beautiful. My dad makes fun of me and says that I sound like I'm ready to pack my bags and emmigrate. I guess that I am, or I would be if I knew German. Oh well.

Well, I need to get back to my biology homework.
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