mad weird....

May 29, 2004 11:57

TTemperamentalIIntelligentNNiceAAstonishing MMeekAAccurateRRadiantIInspirationalEEnergetic
Name Acronym Generator

wow strange....i don't believe i am any of those things but what ever.....ya anywhos..... my weekend is just a lil crazy lots of stuff happened that i don't understand and shit....i think and Joey made up from our tiny feud on friday....sorrie joey!! : (

Thursday....was a horrible day at school...but i got to hang out with sam, ashely, chris, joey, steve, and Joe was fun! :D (hahaha...ash and sam don't start LMFAO)...ya it was a good movie..not really into the whole war-ish movies they upset me....liek half my family was in war so..stayed over sam's for teh night that was a DUMB mistake lol jk ....ya...but thursday was fun

friday....was awsome! hung out with Sam, Chris and Kevin...tried to go to Brian L. nut was late so couldn' we decide to go get fat and went to wendy's...and got fatting food....then went back to my hosue cleaned then went to ashely's to watch Retun of the king which was good loved it....thenchris drove me home and my mommie took Jay (jerry) and me to the mall...then joey and i had a fight but i think tahts over....i was not upset with joey for the whoel night jsut confused and thinking about alot of ya sorrie!!

and today i am going to the moveis with Jay and alyssa and noah and matt and FAGGOTISH John M. ya were are going to see the "day after tomm" i heard it was all specail effects so whatever ya it'll still be good

I GOT MY JR PROM PICS FINALLY!! and i looked't like them...ya i am a faggot

well my weekend is delightfullness in a box of cereal lol

all my love
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