Sep 26, 2007 20:39
Once, a priest was walking down the road to Yuen-Man when a leopard leapt from the brush and sunk its teeth into his chest. Upon seeing that his victim was a holy man the leopard apologized, but for several days the priest lay near death as he bled his heart-blood.
Many moons later, the priest was walking the same road when he was ambushed once again by the same leopard. Again the fangs sunk deep, and again the leopard recoiled and begged his forgiveness. But this time the priest did not fall, and the bloodflow was very little.
"Of course," the leopard said, "I am glad to see that I have not wounded you severely. But tell me, when my bite so injured you upon our last meeting, how do you so easily bear it now?"
The priest smiled. "Ah," he said, "my friend. Since we last met, I have moved my heart deeper."