I am captain random job - this week (and for a lil while) I'm trucking around U of T campus to look for cheaters during their exams...
This got boring.
So I decided to take my camera and take pictures of new born spring in Toronto - especially pretty with all the nice buildings I get to adventure in!
beautiful windows on campus - it was like las vegas at around 9 am - because the sun wasn't right behind it it was just glowing... the camera does not do it justice.
trinity - this is where I thought I was going to uni... all these beautiful castles...
I wanted to badly to see a sword fight go whizzing by!
I imagine a cascading dress and a porcelain woman looking down. OR my clown troupe sliding down the banister!
and then my camera died. so when I get more batteries I will continue my faux-tourist picture diary. I guess I'll have to go back to doing my job :( its hard to just do the job - its walking around and checking bathrooms for notes that students leave to pick up during their exams - they said it was a trial employment (meaning they didn't think there would be more than two in a week of exams.) Well, they were wrong. We got 5 in our first day! Students are desperate! But yeah - cement for 8 hours = ow my shins. And on top of that I get to study (meaning DO) my fights for my exam on friday.... note to self sacrifice one sheep and some virgins to pass.....
In other news! Another version of macbeth has come through from my editor/dramaturge and I can't wait to read it over!! Horray for pirates and macbeths and the like!!! Oh msg me or comment if you are interested in a 400$ pirate intensive fight combat course over a weekend or something - I want to take this course but its in US of A which is a major hike... But he says hes interested in coming to TO if I can find enough people to fill his class. Cutlass, ropes, daggers, axes, belay pins - you name it! If its piratey he will teach us the ways of the fight and pirate :) Yar.