6igella wrote in ru_upics Jan 29, 2013 13:38
girls, happy, life, animals, city, dream, people, objects, room, food, morning, love, colors
6igella wrote in ru_upics Aug 26, 2012 13:35
girls, life, city, books, neutral, body parts, autumn, objects, morning, clothes, mood, text, animals, misc, people, cold, nature, seasons, girl
6igella wrote in ru_upics Jul 21, 2012 22:33
life, retro, city, lonely, orange, magic, fairy, art, happy, text, cats, men, dream, travel, room, love, sea, girls, girly, body parts, objects, weird, morning, mood, colors, fruits, animals, misc, heart, people, yellow, food, nature, flower, fantasy, warm, seasons, surreal, summer, girl, birds
6igella wrote in ru_upics Dec 04, 2011 19:21
snow, city, winter, seasons, cold, new year and christmas, objects
6igella wrote in ru_upics Nov 27, 2011 14:33
life, animals, city, cats, winter, blue, cold, people, new year and christmas, nature, snow, white, seasons
6igella wrote in ru_upics Nov 04, 2010 19:14
text, happy, life, animals, drawings, city, cats, body parts, people, autumn, objects, clothes, mood
6igella wrote in ru_upics Aug 28, 2010 20:49
girls, life, city, misc, body parts, people, autumn, objects, seasons, mood
kvesta wrote in ru_upics Jun 23, 2010 00:12
музыка, text, city, misc, heart, people, nature, summer, love, girl
6igella wrote in ru_upics Sep 12, 2009 21:32
life, city, misc, neutral, cold, autumn, objects, nature, depressive, seasons, mood
6igella wrote in ru_upics Feb 01, 2009 14:00
happy, life, animals, city, winter, misc, autumn, snow, mood, colors