в то время как вся РФ, как один человек, все крепче сплачивается вокруг президента, организаторы оранжевых и прочих революций облегчают условия для поездок своих наймитов к их заокеанским хозяевам.
А если серьезно - сегодня вышел пресс релиз консульства США в Москве, по которому теперь возможно получение повторной визы продлен с 11 до 47 месяцев, для виз категорий B/C1/D
http://moscow.usembassy.gov/pr_030912a.html The U.S. Mission in Russia is pleased to announce an expansion of our current interview waiver program as a part of President Obama’s Executive Order to substantially increase travel and tourism to the United States. Starting immediately, certain applicants who have previously been issued a visa that expired in the past 47 months will be eligible to renew their visa without an interview.
Currently, all applicants who are in possession of a visa that has expired in the last 11 months are eligible to apply for a renewal of their visa without an interview. Under the expanded program, applicants who are renewing a B1/B2 (tourist) or C1/D (crew or transit) visa that has expired within the last 47 months are eligible to apply for a new visa without an interview. Applicants who wish to renew any other type of visas that has expired in the past 11 months are still eligible to do so without an interview.