It's a Boy - Part 4

Dec 31, 2007 14:13

Title: It's a Boy
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: R for now
Pairing: Eventual Ianto/Owen, Jack/Martha
Summary: Owen unexpectedly becomes a father. He desperately needs all the help he can get. So Ianto comes to his rescue.

“I come bearing gifts,” Ianto said, holding up a bag which contained fish and chips for two as Owen opened his door.

Owen grinned, “What you doing here?” he asked as he took the bag off of Ianto and ushered him inside.

“Well, this is your first weekend off,” Ianto said as he hung his jacket up on the now familiar coat stand, “I just had to come by and try and spoil it for you,”

“Yeah right, you just missed me didn’t you?” Owen asked with a grin as he sat down and pulled out his fish and chips, handing the other portion to Ianto.

“Doubtful,” Ianto said as he blew on a chip to cool it before he popped it into his mouth, “I missed Cedric,”

“You’re a terrible liar Ianto,” Owen said as he got back up and disappeared into the kitchen, coming back with a couple of beers, “So how was it today?”


“Yeah why not? Break it to me gently though,”

“Boring,” Ianto told him, “Unbelievably so. I mean, Martha’s nice and knows her stuff, but she’s not…”

“She’s not a cheeky little arsehole like me,”

“Exactly,” Ianto said, “I’ve got no one to argue with or shout at to get their feet off the coffee table. It’s very dull,”

“I’m sure you’ll get used to it,” Owen grinned, “Aren’t you going to ask me how my day was?”

“How was it?” Ianto asked, trying to bite back his smile.

“Boring,” Owen said, “And I actually had to make my own coffee. It was a nightmare,”

“Well I’m sure you’ll get used to it,” Ianto told him, “How is the little’n anyway?”

“Fine,” Owen said as he looked over into the moses basket where Cedric was shaking a rattle and growling contentedly to himself, “He’s still been exercising his voice box, although not as loudly,”

Ianto leaned over Owen, resting his elbow in Owen’s stomach to look into the moses basket. Cedric gave a squeal and started waving his arms and legs about in excitement as he recognised Ianto’s smiling face.

“You’ve done it now,” Owen said as he rubbed his stomach, “He’ll not settle until you pick him up,”

“I don’t mind,” Ianto said as he put down his chips and beer and walked round to the coffee table and picked Cedric up out the basket, “Hello there little guy,” he said with a huge grin, laughing slightly at Cedric’s excitement.

“You’re going to spoil him you know,”

Ianto shrugged as he sat back down, cradling Cedric, “He deserves a little bit of spoiling I think… oh, Gladys has started screeching. It seems to be a language of some sort cause Brenda and Janet screech back at her,”

“Really?” Owen asked as his eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

“Yeah,” Ianto nodded as he grabbed his chips and sat them on his lap.

“Do you think we should try screeching at him? See if he’ll respond?”

Ianto shook his head, “Uh no. We should just keep doing what we’re doing and talking to him. He should be able to learn to understand us, maybe even develop speech,”

Owen took Cedric off Ianto and looked deep into his eyes. They were so far from weevil eyes it was unbelievable. Looking into them, you could almost forget he was an alien. Cedric gave a large yawn followed by a little growl.

“Okay Mr Sleepyhead. Time for bed,” Owen said as he got up and wandered into the spare room with Cedric. He lay him down and stayed with him until he fell asleep and then as he left he picked up the baby monitor and took it with him into the living room and found Ianto flicking the channels on his T.V.

“He asleep then?” Ianto asked as Owen plopped down beside him.

“Yeah. He’ll likely wake up in a few hours though,” he said as he looked at his watch, “He seems to be getting hungrier and hungrier,”

“Yeah, well he’s a growing boy and all that,” Ianto said as he picked one of the movie channels. They were doing a round up on the upcoming month’s releases.

Together the two of them sat and watched the programme. Owen for some reason decided to lean on Ianto as they were watching the T.V. using him as a pillow. It was strangely, very comfortable and Ianto couldn’t quite put his finger on why. As the programme was finishing Ianto couldn’t help but notice that Owen had grown awfully quiet. He looked down at his shoulder and smiled to himself as he saw that Owen was fast asleep.

“Hey,” Ianto said as he stroked Owen’s cheek gently, “Time for you to go to bed,”

Owen opened his eyes and looked startled for a moment before letting out a tremendous yawn, “I’m fine here,” he said as Ianto stood and he threw himself down onto the sofa.

Ianto laughed, “Owen, you’re knackered. Get to your bed,” he said as he dragged Owen up and started pushing him towards his bedroom.

“But Cedric,” Owen tried to plead.

“I’ll stay and feed him when he wakes up,” Ianto said, “That way you can get a good solid sleep,”

“Okay,” Owen nodded and let Ianto take his shoes off. Ianto left him to it after that and went to sit back in the living room. He decided to tidy up the living room quickly, taking the remnants of their dinner and putting them in the bin. God, Owen’s kitchen was a mess. There were dirty baby bottles all over the place, spatterings of formula and dirty dishes piled up in the sink.

Ianto sighed, “What would you do without me Owen Harper,” he said as he rolled up his sleeves and begun operation ‘Clean Owen’s Kitchen’.

It took him roughly an hour and half to get the place spotless, he had also put on a washing as there seemed to be a pile up of Owen’s dirty clothes. He must only be washing Cedric’s. Jack was right to get him help. If this was the way it was after only a week and a half, god knows what it would have been like a month down the line.

As he made his way back into the living room, the silence that had settled over the apartment was interrupted by the sound of Cedric crying. And so Ianto quickly went into the kitchen and put one of the ready made bottles (he had just made up the full next days bottles) in the microwave before quickly going to fetch Cedric. He didn’t want his crying to wake up Owen.

“Hey, hey, hey,” he said as he picked him up, “What’s all this fuss about?”

Cedric immediately quieted as he heard Ianto’s familiar and comforting voice, although he was still rather upset as Ianto carried him into the kitchen where the milk had just finished heating up. Ianto tested it to make sure that it wasn’t too hot before put the tit into Cedric’s mouth. It was like flicking a switch as Cedric immediately stopped whining and concentrated on filling his stomach.

Ianto shook his head as he carried him through to the living room where he sat down to watch the news.

Cedric had drained the bottle and drifted off to sleep before the news had even finished and so when it was done, Ianto placed him gently back in bed. He watched him for a few moments as he snoozed. He looked awfully peaceful, and still kind of cute. When he was happy he wasn’t going to wake up he took the empty bottle and placed it in the steriliser and then went to take the baby monitor into Owen’s room so that he would hear Cedric if he needed him. However as he placed it on Owen’s bedside table, Owen grabbed his wrist.

“Owen?” Ianto asked softly.

But Owen didn’t answer, instead he just pulled Ianto under the covers and held him in a vice like grip. After getting over his shock and realising that Owen had done it in his sleep, Ianto tried to get out of the bed, but it was no use. He was stuck here for the night. And so as his long legs were still dangling off the side of the bed, he kicked his shoes off before pulling them under the covers. Owen then shifted them so that Ianto was on his back with Owen curled around him, effectively pinning him to the bed.

Sighing, Ianto closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall asleep to the sound of both Owen and Cedric breathing. It was rather comforting, Cedric was snoring and so every time he breathed out he gave a little contented growl, making Ianto fall asleep with a smile on his face.

Apparently, Cedric had slept through the night. For the first time. Ianto knew this because he wasn’t woken up by crying in the middle of the night like he thought he would be. No he was woken by the sound of his phone (which was in his pocket) ringing loudly.

“What the fuck!” Owen said as he jumped up. He gave Ianto a weird look but didn’t say anything as Ianto was answering his phone.


“Hey Ianto, where are you? It’s nearly six thirty. You okay?”

“I’m fine Sir. I just forgot to set my alarm,” Ianto said as he rubbed the sleep out his eyes.

“Uh huh, and the fact that you seemed to be out all last night hasn’t got anything to do with it?”

“If I recall correctly, you were the one who told me to get out,” Ianto said with a smirk, “Give me ten minutes,” he added before hanging up.

“Okay, so you wanna tell me why you’re in my bed?” Owen asked, trying to hide his smile.

“You pulled me in,” Ianto said, “Wouldn’t let me go. I had no choice,”

“Yeah right I did,” Owen laughed as he climbed out of the bed, only wearing a pair of very small and very tight boxer shorts that left nothing to the imagination.

“Why would I lie about that?” Ianto asked as he too got out of the bed and began looking for his trainers.

Owen laughed and wandered off to find Cedric, who was quite happily chatting away to himself as he waited for his Daddy to come and get him. Ianto followed him into the kitchen and smiled at the look of surprise on Owen’s face.

“I took the liberty of putting your laundry in too,” Ianto said, “And I made up all of today’s feeds. They’re in the fridge,” he pointed out as he took one out for Owen, “You should really think about doing that every night after he’s gone to sleep,”

“Thanks,” Owen said quietly, “I’ve tried to do that, but… well I’m just so tired all the time,” he admitted, “When he goes to sleep, all I want to do is go to sleep too,”

Ianto nodded, “It’ll get easier Owen. Remember you’re new at this,”

Owen smiled slightly, “You want a coffee or something?”

“Nah, I should probably get over to the hub and face the music. I mean god forbid I shouldn’t be in a six am on the dot every morning,”

“You’re usually in before then. It’s no wonder he started freaking out,” Owen said over his shoulder as he tested the milk’s warmth, but just before he began feeding Cedric he took a closer look at the bottle, “You’ve put an extra two ounces in here,”

“I know,” Ianto said, “I figured if you gave him a larger meal, he would go longer without needing fed. And I was right. He slept right through,”

“Huh,” Owen said to himself as he began feeding the now wriggling Cedric.

“Well anyway. I should get going. If I don’t speak to you later, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Ianto said before placing a soft kiss on Cedric’s head, “Be good for Daddy,” he said and then he was gone.

Owen watched him walk to his car from his kitchen window and then drive away. Truth was, when he had woken up next to Ianto, he had not only been embarrassed but extremely happy. He had never felt so comfortable. It was nice to wake up next to someone without the pressure of having to perform and be someone he wasn’t. Not to mention, Ianto smelled really nice.


owen harper, torchwood, fanfic

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