It's a Boy - part 3

Dec 30, 2007 17:39

Title: It's a Boy
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: R for now
Pairing: Eventual Ianto/Owen, Jack/Martha
Summary: Owen unexpectedly becomes a father. He desperately needs all the help he can get. So Ianto comes to his rescue.

Cedric was almost a week old when Owen was called into Jack’s office. He had just finished feeding Cedric and got him off to sleep so he gently placed him in the car seat that was sat beside his desk and dragged his tired and worn body into Jack’s office to see just what it was he wanted.

“I’m cutting your hours,” Jack told him as soon as he sat down.

“Excuse me?” Owen asked in absolute shock.

“Don’t worry I’m not cutting your salary,” Jack explained, “But you’re beyond tired Owen and it’s only been a week. You’re not superman and if you carry on like this you’re going to end up making a mistake and get yourself or someone else shot. There’s a reason women take maternity leave,”

“But, you need a medic here at all times,” Owen pleaded, “You can’t cut my hours,”

“Well I am. And as for needing a medic, I have a friend who’s agreed to help out until Cedric is a bit bigger,”

Owen bristled at that, “You’re phasing me out,” he said simply.

Jack rolled his eyes, “You’re my second in command Owen. And believe it or not, I actually value having you around. But you need help and Martha is more than qualified to do that,”

“Martha? Who the bloody hell is she when she’s at home? And just how can she be qualified enough to handle this place,”

“She used to travel with the Doctor,” Jack explained before looking at his watch, “And her train will be arriving in ten minutes. I better go pick her up,”

Owen sat in sight disbelief as Jack stood and began pulling on his coat, “You’re hours are now strictly nine to five, Monday to Friday. If you remain here beyond that time I will not be happy,”

Owen nodded, “Effective from when?”

“Tomorrow,” Jack said, “Get this place tidied up. I’ll be back in about a half hour,” he told him before heading out.

Sighing, Owen stalked over to the sofa and collapsed onto it. The girls were out questioning a witness from their latest case and so it was just he, Cedric and Ianto who were left.

“What was that all about?” Ianto asked as he came over to collect all the dirty mugs from Owen’s desk. He’d been drinking twice the amount of coffee that he usually did lately.

“Jack’s decided I need some help,” Owen explained as he sat up, “He says I’ve only to work nine to five now. She’ll be covering the rest of the time,”

Ianto frowned, “She?”

“Martha her name is… I think he’s trying to get rid of me,”

Ianto put the mugs he was carrying down on the coffee table and sat down next to Owen, “He’s not trying to get rid of you,” Ianto said as he placed a comforting hand on Owen’s shoulder, “He’s obviously just trying to help you. But if it’ll make you feel any better, I promise to spit in this Martha’s coffee,”

Owen smiled, “That does make me feel better actually,”

“Good. Now I believe I heard Jack saying something about getting this place tidied?”

Owen huffed, “Yeah he did say something like that,” he said as he forced himself to go down the stairs and tidy up the autopsy bay. Didn’t need this Martha woman thinking he wasn’t professional.


“And this will be your desk,” Jack said to Martha as he showed her the alcove where Suzie used to work.

“All your stories… I never actually believed this place to be anything like you said it was,”

“Are you calling me a liar Doctor Jones?” Jack asked with a smile. However Martha’s reply was interrupted a shrill crying.

“What was that noise?” Martha asked. She had never heard anything so disturbing in all her life.

“That would be the reason you’re here,” Jack said as he led the way up the stairs to the conference room where everyone else was just sitting down and having lunch whilst going over the finer points of the latest case. They had all been quickly introduced to her as they headed up the stairs. Owen hadn’t said much, which was understandable however, he didn’t say anything nasty either.

“Oh my God! What the hell is that?” Martha asked, with a look of absolute repulsion on her face.

“My baby. Why?” Owen asked with a frown.

“Oh, um…”

“Way to go Jack. Looks like she’s going to fit right in,” he said before he went back to feeding Cedric who was looking up at Martha intently with big brown eyes.

“Jack?” Martha asked, “That’s not really his baby is it?”

Jack shook his head and smiled, “He’s hand rearing him,” he explained, “And is the reason why I asked you to come and help out. Raising a new born isn’t easy for most, but an alien baby,”

“What kind of alien?” she asked, peering at Cedric with interest now.

“Weevil,” Ianto said, “We have a few of them in the vaults. One of them gave birth and rejected him in favour of the female,”

Owen grumbled something under his breath as he grabbed a bit of sushi.

“So why was he shrieking?” Martha asked as she and Jack sat down and begun helping themselves to the food that was there.

“We’re not sure,” Gwen said.

“I think he’s testing out his vocal chords, you know the way human babies babble,” Owen said, “He’s been doing it at night. Had to tell the neighbours I got a new puppy,”

“He’s only a week old though,” Gwen pointed out.

“And alien,” Owen pointed out right back, “Remember we know next to nothing about their race. This could be perfectly normal behaviour,”

“Is Gladys doing it?” Jack asked.

“No,” Ianto said, “But she’s female. It might not be a thing females do,”

“Yeah well, whatever it is, he needs a bloody mute button,” Owen said as he took the empty milk bottle out of Cedric’s mouth and immediately began burping him, “So Martha. How did you and the good Captain meet? At a Companion’s anonymous meeting?”

“No. I was with the Doctor when Jack followed us to the End of the World,” Martha said.

“Martha…” Jack tried to warn.

“What? You honestly haven’t told them? You’ve been back for months.” She said at the guilty look on Jack’s face, “No wonder Ianto dumped you,” she added before turning back round, “Well anyway, we ended up fighting side by side. And when he came back here, I got The Doctor to take me back home to 2001 where I finished my medical training. I phoned Jack about two days after I knew he got back and we’ve been talking everyday since,”

“Oh, that’s who it was…” Ianto said to himself, but everyone heard him anyway.

“That’s who, what was?” Tosh asked.

“The person Jack would text constantly. The only time he wasn’t texting was when we were shagging. It began to get really annoying,”

“Sorry,” Jack and Martha said together.

Ianto just shrugged, “We weren’t working out anyway,” he said as he took Cedric out of Owen’s arms, “I’ll change him, you eat,” he said, patting Owen lightly on the shoulder as he headed down to the bathroom area.

“What?” Owen asked as everyone stared at him.

“You two are getting on well,” Gwen said.

Owen shrugged, “He’s been helping me with Cedric. I think he’s grown fond of him. I’d be buggered if he hadn’t helped me though, and so would Cedric. Did you know he knew so much about babies?”

“Don’t change the subject,” Tosh said, “Are you sure he’s just helping out with Cedric? He’s not helping out with you too?”

Owen frowned, “I thought Ianto was supposed to be your friend? You shouldn’t talk about him like that?”

“He is and if he over hears, he knows I don’t mean any harm by it,”

“But anyway,” Jack interrupted, “Is he?”

“Are you jealous Jack?” Owen asked, “Upset because you’re no longer the one getting to fuck him,”

Jack smiled, “Well now I know you’re not sleeping together,” he said.

“How?” Gwen asked.

“Ianto’s a top,” Jack told them with a huge grin. Owen just shook his head and took a sip of his coke.

“Thank you for informing everyone of my sexual preferences Jack,” Ianto said with a not so happy smile as he sat down with Cedric who was sucking on Ianto’s finger, “And who I’m shagging if anyone, is nobodies business but mine,”

No one said anything, as they all felt suitably ashamed of themselves. Except for Owen who was finding the whole situation rather amusing.

“So,” Martha said as she cleared her throat, “What’s this case you’re working on just now?”

“Illegal immigrant,” Gwen said, “He’s landed here and basically bringing a whole load of bad with him. We’re trying to track him down to hear his side of the story to see if we should help him or send him back,”

“It’s mostly politics,” Jack said, “He would make the whole thing a hell of a lot easier if he would stop camouflaging himself,”

“Camouflaging?” Martha asked in confusion.

“Yeah, his race are basically giant chameleons,”

“Oh. I’ve met one of them before. He had stole the Doctor’s screw driver. We were struggling to catch him too, but the Doctor came up with the idea of covering him in flour. Was really funny,” she said before she started giggling. Jack started laughing with her but the rest just looked at them both like they were maniacs.

“Flour?” Owen asked.

Martha nodded, as she tried to get her breath back, “Set a trap for him to run into and poured all this flour over him. You should have seen his face,”

“Ianto, why didn’t you come up with that?” Owen asked sarcastically. Ianto attempted to hit back with something as equally sarcastic, but Owen held up his hand, “Say no more, clearly your mind was too occupied with trying to figure out new and exciting ways to pleasure me,”

Ianto just laughed and stood up, “Here. I have work to do,” he said as he gave the now sleeping Cedric back to Owen and winked at him as he headed down stairs.

“What can I say,” Owen said, “Guy just can’t get enough of me,”


owen harper, torchwood, fanfic

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