The Way We Are - part five

Apr 05, 2009 00:48

Title: The Way We Are
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: NC 17
Pairing: Jayne/Inara
Disclaimer: Firefly belongs to Joss.
Author's notes: Written as a brithday present for o_faolain. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! - I usually don't do multi-chaptered fics for gifts, but this one kind of took on a life of it's own.
Summary: In the space of six hours, Inara's life and plans for the future are all turned on their head, leaving her alone and confused and so a certain merc steps in to help.

“Let’s actually talk this time,” Inara said as she led the way down into her bunk.

Jayne smiled slightly as he followed her, “Hey, I’m all for talking,” he said, “When you know, we actually need to.”

Inara rolled her eyes at him as she sat down on the bed, “And we need to,” she told him, gesturing for him to sit down too.

Doing as he was told, Jayne sat himself down on the bed, facing her and waiting for her to start talking.

“Jayne, earlier when I said that there was nothing going on…”

“It’s fine,” he said, cutting her off, “I understand.”

“I don’t think you do,” she said, “I said it because I didn’t know what was going on. We had only just kissed and I, well I’ve never really done this before and so I’m not really sure how this all works.”

Realisation dawned on Jayne. Inara may have been a companion, but he was the one with the experience. He had had many relationships (sure they had all more or less ended badly but still) and so would be leading them in this.

“Look, I don’t just kiss nobody,” he said, “And I don’t kiss them the way I kissed you.”

Inara nodded, she had figured out as much anyway.

“I really like you Nara. You’re beautiful and kind and I’d be blessed if you let me court you. But I know that I’m just a big dumb merc, who ain’t that pretty and so I completely understand if you don’t wanna.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Jayne,” Inara said as she moved over to him, climbing up onto his lap, “You’re one of the most handsome men I’ve ever met. And just because you don’t have a school education, doesn’t mean you’re not intelligent. I would love it if you were to court me.”

Jayne grinned and pulled her down into a soft kiss, his hands holding her tight to him, “You know, if you wanna do the whole courting thing properly I should probably go,” he said, his eyes closed as he tried to calm himself down.

Inara leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “You forget Jayne, I’m a rebel. Disgraced for my bad behaviour. I go against tradition.”

Jayne looked up at her in surprise, realising that she wanted him to stay. And who was he to argue? Reaching his hand up to caress her neck, he pulled her down into another kiss.

Inara wrapped herself around him, deepening the kiss as much as she could, shivering as she felt Jayne’s hand slowly travel down from her neck and across her breast to settle on her waist. He then pulled back from the kiss and smiled at her sweetly before kissing her again and lowering her down onto the bed.

As he settled himself above her, he revelled in the feeling of Inara’s fingers pulling at the hem of his shirt, pulling it out from his pants. She then dragged it up his body and pulled it over his head in one smooth motion. When it was gone Jayne continued to kiss her as she made quick work of taking off his gunbelt and unfastening his pants. Jayne had never admitted it to anyone, but a woman who knew how to take off his gunbelt without looking was one of his biggest turn ons.

As his pants were pushed off his hips he rolled to the side, quickly yanking off his boots and socks before kicking the pants onto the floor with the rest of his clothes. When he turned back to Inara he reached forward and gently unfastened the button that was holding her pants up.

Inara watched him carefully, raising her hips up off the bed to allow him to pull her pants off. As her legs were revealed and along with them her underwear, she could see his eyes light up with excitement. She smiled at him before sitting up and removing her tank top for him.

Jayne reached forward tentively, his hand going around her back and unfastening her bra expertly. As Inara shrugged it off, he was sure he was drooling but he managed to stop himself by crawling back on top of her and kissing her with a passion that he hadn’t known he’d had.

Inara flexed her body against him, enjoying the feeling of his rough chest against the smooth skin of her own. It was completely intoxicating and Jayne was obviously enjoying it too as she could feel his arousal against her hip.

Detaching his lips from her mouth he began to move down her body, leaving a trail of kisses behind. As his lips met with her breasts, he made sure to spend some time just adoring them and showering them with affection. They were probably the most perfect breasts he had ever seen let alone had the pleasure to kiss and he wanted to let Inara know just how perfect she was.

Inara gave a contented sigh as Jayne used his mouth expertly on her, making her skin tingle with the need for more, and as if reading her mind, he complied, moving lower down her body. He planted a soft kiss just above the hem of her panties as he pushed her legs open before dipping his head and kissing her right on the sweet spot, the material of her underwear causing a wonderful friction.

Smiling slightly to himself at just how easy it had been to get Inara worked up and moaning, Jayne hooked his fingers into the waistline of her panties and began to pull them off her hips.

Dropping them off the side of the bed, he never took his eyes off of hers, not even when he bent his head again and licked his way right up her centre, flicking his tongue over her clit when he reached the top.

Inara gasped slightly, never having felt such pleasure so quickly before. She could feel Jayne smiling against her as he did it again, once more causing her to gasp before he began to pleasure her in earnest.

Unable to keep her head up any longer, Inara let it fall back against the pillows with a thud, one of her legs thrown over his shoulder, pulling him into her as she fisted the sheets and flexed her body against him.

Jayne couldn’t get enough of her. He Jayne Cobb, a lowly merc, was making ex companion Inara Serra lose control.

Looking up, he revelled in the sight of her. She was just one hundred percent perfect. The way she moved, they noises she made, the way she was getting all flushed not to mention the way she tasted. Perfect. If he could’ve, he would spend the rest of eternity down there, tasting her, making her moan, but it wasn’t to be.

She came with such ferocity, that Jayne was sure they would hear her screaming down in the cargo bay. But he couldn’t bring himself to care, instead continuing to lick and suck until her body had stilled. He glanced up at her to make sure she was okay and was a little surprised to see tears in her eyes.

“Nara?” he asked as he crawled up her body, “You okay?”

Inara nodded and gave him a soft smile before kissing him, “Yes Jayne. I’m okay.”

Jayne frowned slightly wondering just what she meant by that, but decided to ask later as he was pulled down into another deep kiss. As he leaned on his elbows, covering her entire body with his own, she pushed her hands down to his hips, pushing his underwear off. Reaching behind him, Jayne helped her, shimmying out of them before settling himself over her again.

Wrapping one arm around his shoulder, Inara reached between them and placed him at her entrance. But Jayne didn’t pus in, instead allowing her to control what happened and when. And so she flexed against him, gently easing the head of his jiba inside. She held still though, as he was rather large and she wasn’t used to being with anyone. Jayne seemed to realise this himself, pulling back from the kiss and watching her closely. He waited for her to open her eyes and look at him, relaxing her walls and moving her hips slightly before he pushed in the rest of the way.

Inara let out a loud groan. Whatever she had expected, she hadn’t expected to be filled up so completely. It was a wonderful feeling, a feeling that she hadn’t felt often enough before.

Jayne leaned down and kissed her gently on the nose before he began to move again. As he slowly moved his hips, gently pulling out and pushing back in, he raised himself up on his arms, making sure to keep all of his wait off of her.

As she began to move her hips in time with his, she settled her hands on his upper arms, using her grip on him to anchor herself. When he began to speed up, pushing in deeper and making her moan in the most erotic way, one of her hands went up to wrap around his neck, gripping onto his hair while the other trailed down his chest and around his waist to grip onto his ass.

Jayne couldn’t quite believe that Inara was pulling at his ass, trying to get him to move harder and faster. It was completely and utterly surreal. But he wouldn’t change it for the world.

“Made,” Jayne said as he felt his orgasm approaching. He didn’t want to finish yet, he wasn’t ready to finish yet.

Inara seemed to sense what was happening and so flipped them, putting Jayne on his back and pulling off of him, letting him slip out. She smiled at him knowingly before kissing him.

“Sorry,” he said as he covered his eyes with his hand.

“Nonsense,” she said as she pulled his hand away, “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she told him, allowing him to get his breath back.

She sat on his hips, waiting until he was ready before reaching behind her and pulling him back inside.

Jayne bit his lip as he slipped back inside. He could easily have cum inside her right then, but he didn’t. He bit down hard, holding it off as best as he could. And then she started to move.

Leaning on his chest, his hands settled on her hips, Inara began to flex her hips, allowing his jiba to massage her inside and making her skin begin to tingle again. Tightening herself around him, she continued to move.

As he watched her moving, Jayne began to push up into her, going even deeper than before and revelling in the fact that he was beginning to make Inara lose control again.

It didn’t take long after that before Inara was stilling, her entire body shuddering as pleasure swept through her. Jayne wasn’t far behind, his body pushing up off the bed as he emptied himself into her.

As Inara came down from her high, she looked down at Jayne and smiled. Jayne smiled back up at her before pushing himself up and pulling her into a passionate kiss.


Mal headed up to the bridge for the landing on Sihnon but was more than a little surprised to find no one there.

“What the hell?” he asked himself before heading back down and towards the galley.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Jayne came out of his bunk, carrying the last of his belongings.

“Jayne?” Mal asked, “Where’s that woman of yours?”

“Ain’t she on the bridge?” he asked in confusion.

“Would I be askin if she was?”

Jayne shrugged, “Well if she ain’t there then maybe she’s in the bathroom or somethin.”

Mal sighed, “Dump your stuff and help me find her before we crash into the planet.”

Doing as he was told, Jayne made his way over to his and Inara’s bunk and kicked open the hatch. He was just about to drop his bag down when the sound of giggling hit his ears.

“I think I found her,” he said to Mal, “Nara babe?!” Jayne called down to her.

“Yes Jayne?” Inara said as she appeared at the bottom of the ladders.

“Better get your ass up onto the bridge before Mal’s head explodes.”

“Or more importantly, before we crash,” Mal added as he stepped over, his head appearing next to Jayne’s.

“Sorry, we lost track of time,” she said as she began to climb up the ladders.

Mal and Jayne stepped back, allowing her, River and Kaylee to climb out of the bunk. When Inara stepped off the ladder, Jayne could feel his jaw dropping and a little bit of drool escaping.

Inara was wearing a very small red halter neck top that left nothing to the imagination with a very small pair of denim hot pants. Mal too couldn’t help but stare.

“Uh, babe?” Jayne finally managed to get out.

“Yes?” Inara asked him.

“Where are your clothes?” he asked, “Not that I’m complaining mind.”

“It’s the height of the summer on Sihnon. I don’t want to be too warm,” she explained, leaning up and kissing him softly before heading up to the bridge.

“Jayne?” Mal asked as River skipped past him to go help Inara with the landing, “Where she get those… clothes?”

“Hell if I know,” Jayne mumbled, “Ain’t gonna complain though.”

“The top’s mine and shorts are River’s,” Kaylee said with a huge grin, “We decided that those companions are gonna be judging her and talking about her anyways to give them somethin to actually talk about.”

Jayne grinned, “Hell I’m all for that,” he said with a chuckle before climbing down into his bunk.

When they landed on Sihnon, Jayne waited for Inara outside the bridge. She looked nervous, which was completely and utterly understandable. So he decided to wait for her, giving her all the support she needed.

“Y’all alright?” he asked as they began to walk down to the cargo bay together.

“Not really,” she said, making him put a protective arm around her shoulders, “But it can’t be helped. If I want my things back then I have to face them.”

“Hey, I’ve been meanin to ask you about that,” he said, “These things of yours, you wouldn’t happen to have any, y’know… sex aids in amongst them?”

Inara grinned at him, the sun beaming in through the open cargo bay making her glow, “Now that would be telling,” she said to him before stepping away and heading down the ramp.

Jayne groaned as he watched her go. Wo de ma but she drove him crazy.

Following her down, the rest of them stood behind her, not only for protection but as a show of support. Facing them was Mother Kara along with five of the senior companions of the house, and a couple of the security stewards.

“Good afternoon,” Mother Kara said to her, leaning forward and placing a kiss on Inara’s cheek, “You look well.”

“Thank you,” Inara said knowing full well she didn’t mean it, “As do you.”

Mother Kara gave her a small smile, “Would you like to join me for some tea?”

“I’m afraid I have to decline,” Inara told her, “We don’t have long before we have to be on our way to our next job.”

All of the companions visibly flinched at that, disgusted by the mere thought.

“I see,” Mother Kara said, “And what kind of work would that be exactly.”

Inara gave her, her best smile, “Piracy of course. Now, if you could direct me towards my things.”

One of the companions led Inara up into the training house. Jayne, Kaylee, Simon and River all followed her while Mal and Zoe stayed with the ship.

“Captain Reynolds,” Mal said as he held out his hand.

“Ah, I see,” Mother Kara said as she shook it, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“All good I hope,” Mal grinned.


“You stole Inara from us,” one of the young men blurted out.

“Timothy,” Mother Kara snapped.

“I’m sorry Mother, but how can you shake hands with this man? He represents everything we detest.”

“Actually,” Zoe butted in, “Mal here ain’t the one sleeping with Inara and as far as I’m aware they ain’t even kissed.”

“It’s true,” Mal said with a nod, taking hold of Zoe’s hand, “Ain’t nothin between Inara and me.”

“Then who?” a very tall and elegant blonde asked.

But before Mal could answer, he was interrupted by a squeal. Everyone turned to see Jayne carrying a large box in one hand while he hooked his arm in between Inara’s legs and hoisted her up. Inara had her arms wrapped around Jayne’s neck and they were both laughing about something. Possibly the look on Mother Kara’s face. She looked absolutely horrified.

“Ms Serra,” she chastised.

Inara just gave her one look before turning to Jayne and kissing him. Jayne froze not two feet from Mother Kara, allowing her to pull him into a deep kiss before setting her down.

“You keep on like that we ain’t never getting off this rock,” he said, smacking her on the ass before walking up onto the ship.

All of the companions stared after him, taking in his height, strong build and multiple weapons adorning his body.

“A mercenary?” Timothy asked.

“Yes,” Inara nodded, “Why is there a problem?”

Timothy made to answer but one of the other girls grabbed his arm and prevented him from talking. He always was very opinionated.

Jayne marched back down the ramp, lighting a cigar. He’d found it inside the box he’d just been carrying. There was a full box of pure Hemeran cigars and Inara had told him to help himself.

“Hey Mal, you gotta come help with this couch,” Jayne told him, “Doc can’t lift for shit.”

Mal sighed, “Can’t River help you?” he asked as he followed him up into the training house where Kaylee and Simon were now coming out with what looked like luggage.

“Well Inara, it was lovely to see you again. Please don’t be a stranger,” Mother Kara said with a bow before heading off to her quarters.

“She always so pleasant?” Zoe asked.

“Sometimes she even smiles,” Inara told her, smiling herself.

Zoe laughed and went up to the training house to see if she could help with anything.

“Inara, you can’t be seriously considering living with these people permanently?” Timothy asked.

Inara sighed, “I know it’s hard for you to believe, but I have never felt more at home anywhere else than what I do on Serenity.”

“We only want you to be happy,” Sophia told her.

“And I am. I have a new job as a pilot and a fantastic lover who cares about me and just not what pleasure I can give him. And yes he is a mercenary, but he’s a wonderful man.”

“He is rather handsome,” Marcus added.

“Yes. He is,” Inara said, turning round to watch as Mal and Jayne carried her old couch down and into the ship, River and Zoe following closely behind with the last of her ornaments.

Jayne spied the way they were all looking at him and it made him feel slightly uncomfortable. When the couch was secure in the cargo bay he came back outside, “You talking about me babe?” he asked.

“Of course not,” she told him.

“You’re a terrible liar,” he said, smiling at her as he bent down and kissed her softly, “So do you want the bed or not?”

Inara sighed, “I don’t know. I don’t think it would fit into our bunk.”

“It’d fit in Mal’s,” he said, “Ain’t right that him and Zo are sleepin on that tiny little bed.”

“Okay,” she nodded, “I’ll help you.”

“It’s fine,” he said, placing a soft hand on her shoulder, “Me and Mal got it. You finish talking to your friends.”

Later that night, as everyone sat in the galley, enjoying the supply of alcohol that Inara had kindly shared, Jayne and Inara had claimed the new couch, Jayne sitting upright as he conversed with Mal and Zoe while Inara was lying with her feet across his lap, enjoying the massage he was giving her.

“So, Jayne?” Kaylee said, “Your Ma waved again. Wanted to know more about this new woman in your life and when she was going to meet her.”

Jayne froze. He hadn’t told Inara that he had mentioned anything to his Ma. After all, they had only actually been ‘together’ for a couple of days, but he had just been too excited not to say anything. Turning to look at Inara, he was a little surprised to see Inara sitting smiling at him.

“Well, I mean…”

“I’d like to meet her,” Inara told him.

“You would?” he asked in surprise.

“Yes,” she said as she sat up, pulling herself close to him, “She’s your family after all and I’d like to thank her for giving you to me.”

Jayne smiled and cupped her face gently, “She’s gonna be crazy about you,” he said before pulling her into a deep kiss.

As their lips met, they were immediately pelted with food and bits of paper, “Go to your bunk!” Mal shouted over the jeers from the other four.

“That’s a shiny idea,” Jayne said as he stood and threw Inara over his shoulder, carrying her down into their bunk.

Their bunk. The bunk they shared. The bunk that they would always share now.


Jiba - penis
Made - fuck
Wo de ma - mother of God

jayne/inara, firefly, fanfic

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