The Way We Are - part four

Mar 31, 2009 15:25

Title: The Way We Are
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: PG (for now - may go up)
Pairing: Jayne/Inara
Disclaimer: Firefly belongs to Joss.
Author's notes: Written as a brithday present for o_faolain. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! - I usually don't do multi-chaptered fics for gifts, but this one kind of took on a life of it's own. And because it's for a gift I will be updating daily.
Summary: In the space of six hours, Inara's life and plans for the future are all turned on their head, leaving her alone and confused and so a certain merc steps in to help.

When Jayne walked into the galley for breakfast the next morning, everyone froze, spoons half way to their mouths as they stared at him.

“What?” he snapped.

“Uh, what happened to your beard?” Simon asked him.

Jayne rubbed at his chin as he sat down and poured himself some coffee, “Shaved it off,” he said, “Why what did you think happened to it?”

“Well it’s just…”

“You loved that beard,” Kaylee butted in.

Jayne shrugged, “Thought it would be a nice change,” he said, glancing over at Inara quickly before grabbing some toast.

“How drunk were you last night?” Mal asked him.

“Not much,” Jayne told him, “Look, I’ve had that beard for near on two years. I got bored okay. And besides, it’s easy enough to grow back.”

“Well I think you look very nice Jayne,” Inara told him, “Very handsome.”

Looking up at her and seeing no humour in her eyes, Jayne’s face broke out into an all out grin.

“Thanks Nara,” he said, scowling as Mal scoffed at her comment, “You tryin to say I ain’t handsome?” he asked.

“Well… it’s not how I would describe you,” Mal told him.

“You know Cap’n, Inara’s a lady of good taste. If she thinks Jayne’s handsome then he is,” Kaylee said, “And I have to say, I kind of agree.”

“You do?” Simon asked in absolute shock.

“I prefer you with a beard,” River said making everyone stare at her in surprise.

“Well, maybes I’ll be keeping it off then,” Jayne muttered, again glancing at Inara quickly, sharing a small smile with her and going back to his breakfast.

After they had all eaten, Jayne headed up to the bridge to check his inbox. His Ma should’ve replied to his message, where he’d asked if she needed anymore money by now and he wanted to find out what the answer was before they went out on their job.

“So,” Inara said as she sat in her chair, straightening up Wash’s dinosaurs, “What’s the real reason for shaving it off?”

Jayne fidgeted slightly as he logged into his mail box, “Like I said I was bored,” he mumbled.

Inara turned on her chair to look at him, “You’re lying,” she said.

Jayne didn’t answer her straight away, reading his Ma’s reply where she said she didn’t need any more money before going on to ask if he’d found himself a girl yet. Deciding to reply to her later, he logged out before turning to Inara, “You kissed me,” he said.

Inara was so taken aback by his straight forwardness that she found herself speechless for a moment. But Jayne just sat and stared at her, waiting patiently for her answer.

“And why would that make you shave your beard off?” she asked, trying to compose herself.

“Well,” Jayne said, “Companion or no, you’re still a lady, and I ain’t never seen no ladies on the arm of a guy with a big ruttin beard. And I just thought… well I don’t know. I mean, I don’t even know if you kissed me cause you wanted to or cause you felt you had to.”

“I wanted to,” Inara quickly answered him, “I really wanted to.”

Jayne stared at her in surprise, “Really? You ain’t playin no games with me?”

“I’m not playing games Jayne. I wouldn’t do that to you. I uh… my feelings are too strong for me to do that to you.”

Jayne stared at her for a moment before standing up, “Follow me,” he said as he headed back out of the bridge.

Inara watched him for a moment before following him down the stiars and into the storage locker below the bridge.

“The walls got ears up there,” he said as she gave him a questioning look.

“Oh,” she said, pulling the door shut behind her, “And just what were you planning on saying to me that you didn’t want anyone else to hear?”

“Nothing,” he said as he stepped forward and into her personal space.

“Nothing?” Inara asked, feeling herself slightly breathless as she stared up at him.

“Nothing,” he repeated before gently cupping her face in his hand, bending down to pull her into a deep kiss.

Inara felt herself melting into his lips. They were so soft and gentle and so full of passion that she could feel herself getting faint and almost pulled back for fear that she would fall over. However the strong hand travelling round her waist and holding her tight made her feel safe and instead of pulling back she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers threading into his hair as she kissed him with all the passion she could muster.

Jayne stepped forward, pushing her back against one of the munitions lockers, pressing his body up against hers as one of his hands pushed up under her shirt (the blue flowery shirt Kaylee had given her - which she looked damn fine in) and the other went to her ass.

Inara did her best to carry on kissing, but he was too tall and pushing herself up on her tip toes was becoming a strain. And so she pulled back, breaking off from the kiss. She stared up at Jayne, about to apologise for stopping when her words were cut off by his mouth again.

Jayne had seemingly understood completely why she had stopped kissing him, his hands going around her thighs and lifting her up.

Inara immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, clamping down tight and making him groan in pleasure as he pushed her back against the locker again. As he did his hands began to wander again, gently caressing her ass. As his hands wandered over her body, Inara could feel him beginning to get aroused and it made her skin tingle with want.

However, before things could go much further, they came to a sudden halt.

Jayne almost dropped Inara as they both snapped their heads round to see who had opened the door.

“Huh,” Mal said as he stood there, dumbfounded, “Well ain’t this shiny.”

“Mal?” Inara said, making to step forward but found she couldn’t, “Jayne put me down please.”

“What? Oh sorry,” he said, gently lowering her to the ground.

“Mal look, Jayne and I…”

“Inara, really. It ain’t none of my business,” he said as he stepped away, unable to look at either her or Jayne.

“There’s nothing going on,” she told him, making both Mal and Jayne start at her in surprise.

“Really? Cause it sure as hell looked like there was a lot goin on,” Mal said.

“Yeah, felt like it too,” Jayne added with a frown.

Inara glanced up at him, realising she’d hurt his feelings, “Jayne I…”

“It’s fine. I get it,” he said as he stepped round her and stormed off down the corridor, needing to put as much space between the both of them as was possible.

“You sure there ain’t nothin goin on?” Mal asked her as they both heard the sound of Jayne kicking something.

Inara sighed, “Please… don’t,” she said before pushing past him too and going to find Jayne.


Inara never did manage to catch up with Jayne. She looked for him all over, but he must have been walking the ship. She didn’t see him again until he was leaving for the job and then she had no chance to talk to him. He didn’t even look at her.

She hadn’t realised that she would’ve hurt him. She hadn’t intended to. Those words were only said because she actually had no idea what was going on between them if anything. After all that had been the first time they had shared a proper kiss. And she certainly hadn’t expected Jayne to be so sensitive.

But then he was full of surprises and was apparently rather self conscious. But then, why else would he have shaved his beard. He obviously wanted to look like one of her clients, like a ‘gentleman’ by being clean cut and well groomed. But what he didn’t realise was that she didn’t want someone like one of her clients. She wanted a real man and Jayne was exactly that.

“Hey,” Kaylee said as she came and sat down next to Inara in the common area, “You okay?”

She was sat on the couch, her knees pulled up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them, looking more vulnerable than she ever had before, “Not really,” she admitted.

Kaylee frowned, “You thinking about losing your registration again?”

“Honestly, no,” she said.

“Then what’s eating ya?”

Inara sighed, “Jayne,” she said.


Inara nodded, “We kissed.”

Kaylee was silent for a moment as she tried to comprehend what she was hearing, “You kissed?”

“Yes. In the storage locker underneath the bridge.”


“This morning.”

“But… if you kissed, then why was he in such a bad mood?”

Inara sighed and lowered her knees, crossing her legs in front of her instead, “Mal walked in on us and I wasn’t thinking straight and said that there was nothing going on between myself and Jayne. Jayne then got upset and walked away before I could correct myself.”

“Right, so is there something going on then?”

“I hope so,” Inara said, smiling when she caught the huge grin on Kaylee’s face.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… this is all so exciting,” she said, “Now all we gotta do is find River a little boyfriend.”

“Don’t get a head of yourself,” Inara said, “He’s currently not talking to me.”

“Well that shirt’s not helping any,” Kaylee said as she stood.

Inara looked down at herself, “What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s not nearly low cut enough,” she explained as she grabbed Inara by the hand and began dragging her up the stairs, “And while we try to find you something else to wear you can tell me all about that kiss and just how it all came about.”

Inara couldn’t help but laugh as Kaylee lead her past Simon.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Girl stuff,” Kaylee told him before jumping down into Inara’s bunk.

As Kaylee searched through the few tops that Inara had, she listened intently to Inara as she explained how the kiss all came about. She didn’t want to rush her, but she was just dying to hear about what that kiss had been like.

“I’ve kissed a lot of men,” Inara said, “But none of them compared to Jayne.”

Kaylee squealed and jumped down onto the bed beside her, “I knew he’d be a great kisser. Was it intense? I bet it was intense.”

“Yes. It was intense. Very intense. In fact, I’m sure things would’ve went a bit further if Mal hadn’t interrupted us.”

Kaylee pouted, “Stupid Mal,” she muttered before thrusting the thank top she had found at Inara, “Change. They’ll be back soon.”

Rolling her eyes, Inara changed her top before following Kaylee back up to the galley. Simon was just making himself some tea and was about to ask them if they would like a cup when Mal’s voice boomed over COM system.

“Inara. Get us ready to go. We need to be gone as soon as we get on board.”

Kaylee jumped up to answer, “Got it,” she said, “We in trouble again?”

“Well there’s all kinds of trouble,” Mal’s strained voice said, “Tell that fella of yours to prep for some bullet extraction.”

Inara, who had just been about to head up to the bridge froze before grabbing the COM off of Kaylee, “Mal, who got shot?”

“Just you worry about getting us in the air,” he told her.

“Is Jayne okay?” she asked.

“Inara? I just gave you an order!”

Inara looked up at Kaylee, feeling all the colour draining from her face.

“He’ll be fine,” Kaylee told her, “Won’t he Simon?”

“I’ll certainly not let him give in easily,” he said, hoping that it was enough to reassure her before running down to the med bay.

Inara turned to Kaylee again, unsure of what to do.

“Go get up to the bridge,” she told her, “The sooner you get us in the air then the sooner you can come and check on Jayne.”

Nodding Inara ran up to the bridge. Not knowing if Jayne was okay was terrifying. It hadn’t even occurred to her that something might happen to him whilst they were off the ship. And not being able to do anything about it, made her feel absolutely helpless.

Was this how Wash had felt all those times Zoe had went out on jobs? She suddenly had a new found respect for him. She doubted she would be able to allow Jayne to go out on jobs from now on without fretting over his safety… that’s if he survived.

No. She couldn’t think like that. She had to stay positive. But as the tears began to fall from her face and she struggled to see the controls in front of her, staying positive was the last thing on her mind.

“Everybody on board Inara,” Zoe’s voice called over the COM.

Wasting no time, Inara disengaged from the landing dock and lifted Serenity into the air. She pulled up steeply, heading for the stars. She knew that they were supposed to be going to Sihnon once they left Beaumonde and so, as she continued with their ascent, she began to programmed in a flight path, meaning that as soon as they broke atmo she would be able to turn on the auto pilot and head down stairs.

Luckily the skies were clear and she didn’t have to wait long before they were out in the black. As soon as the ship was steadied and en route, she ran down the stairs to the med bay. She just needed to get to Jayne. Everything would be fine so long as she could be with him.

When she reached the med bay, she froze, unable to believe what she was seeing. There on the bed, groaning as the bullet was removed from his bloodied shoulder was Mal. Zoe stood at his side holding him down while River and Kaylee sat on the work top to the right.

“Where’s Jayne?” she asked.

“Right here,” Jayne’s voice said from behind her.

Inara turned round to see him sitting on the couch, a stack of money sitting on the table in front of him where he’d been counting it. She’d been in such a rush to get into the med bay that she hadn’t even seen him sitting there.

Standing up, Jayne made his way over to her. As he approached her, Inara felt the tears making their way to the surface again. Jayne seemed to notice too as he pulled her into his arms and held her close, rubbing a gentle hand up and down her back.

“I’m fine Nara,” he said, “Ain’t no need to worry about me.”

“I thought you were shot,” she said as she looked up at him.

Jayne used the pad of his thumb to wipe the tears off her cheeks, “Like I said, I’m fine,” he repeated.

Inara nodded slightly before pulling him down into hard kiss.


jayne/inara, firefly, fanfic

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