Социальные расходы дуче

Jun 29, 2015 10:23

Обычно при упоминании слова "фашизм" у людей возникает две ассоциации: старая, укоренившаяся в мозгу и, в общем-то, неверная - концлагеря, душегубки и работающие на полную мощность лагерные крематории (неверная, потому как сие есьм достижение национал-социалистической нордической мысли), и относительно новая - мощная социальная политика, "Национальный клуб послетрудового досуга" ("Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro") и прочее.

Английская Википедия, в частности, таким образом охарактеризовала социальную политику фашистского режима Италии: "A major success in social policy in Fascist Italy was the creation of the Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro (OND) or "National After-work Program" in 1925. The OND was the state's largest recreational organizations for adults. The Dopolavoro was so popular that, by the 1930s, all towns in Italy had a Dopolavoro clubhouse and the Dopolavoro was responsible for establishing and maintaining 11,000 sports grounds, over 6,400 libraries, 800 movie houses, 1,200 theatres, and over 2,000 orchestras. Membership in the Dopolavoro was voluntary but had high participation because of its nonpolitical nature. In the 1930s under the direction of Achille Starace the OND became primarily recreational, concentrating on sports and other outings. It is estimated that by 1936 the OND had organized 80% of salaried workers. Nearly 40% of the industrial workforce had been recruited into the Dopolavoro by 1939 and the sports activities proved popular with large numbers of workers. The OND had the largest membership of any of the mass Fascist organizations in Italy. The enormous success of the Dopolavoro in Fascist Italy was the key factor in Nazi Germany creating its own version of the Dopolavoro, the Kraft durch Freude (KdF) or "Strength through Joy" program, which was even more successful than the Dopolavoro."

Короче говоря, почитал я это дело и решил разобраться, что же за зверь такой эта самая социальная политика дуче. До конца я так и не проникся сутью явления - процесс продолжается, - поэтому пока поделюсь с вами, панове, некоторыми любопытными цифрами [1].

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Италия, 1930-e, США, 1920-e, СССР

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