Vig (US slang). The percentage deducted by the organizers of a game from the winnings of a gambler. Also, the rate of interest upon a usurious loan. Also transferred sense and figurative. The word vig is short for the hoodlum term vigorish, which usually means the usurious interest on a loan and could be taken as roughly analogous to trading commissions - but at usurious rates and often with illegal terms. Грабительский процент в займах (обычно незаконных);
Проценты, доля, проигранные или полученные от любых незаконных сделок (например, букмекерская доля).
The other, unabbreviated, forms, besides vigorish, are vigerish, viggresh, and viggerish. The first recorded literature use (in the form viggresh) was in The apaches of New York (1912) by Alfred Henry Lewis. Examples of usage (for more examples, see
Urban Dictionary): [He] spilled out how much you owed and how far behind you were on the vig and when you had to pay it by.
You won't be able to keep up the vig.
Происходит (возможно, через посредство идиш) от русского слова выигрыш (Oxford English Dictionary).
New Yorker, Apr 12, 2010