Jan 30, 2010 01:42
Dear Bear Grylls,
Oh Bear. Bear, Bear.
Next time you've got a choice between going into a dark cavern filled with rushing water and nothing more than a cocky grin and a bundle of lit branches (really, do you see an issue with the logic of torch + cavern filled w/ water? cuz I do), or backtracking upriver to go around this insurmountable rock wall with a dark fucking water-filled cave in it, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?
Seriously if you hadn't had your camera crew there, you would've been DEAD. For serious. What kind of fucked up advice is this for a survivalist show? Survival is first and foremost all about common sense, is it not?
On the other hand, you haven't taken off your clothes, NOT EVEN ONCE, in this entire episode. I demand that you rectify this.
Loves your sexy, stupid self,
P.S. You are in a jungle. Surely there is vegetation/fruit around to eat. You really didn't have to eat that giant rhino beetle. At least pick off the head and the legs first. On the other hand, I WANT TO SEE YOU EAT A SPIDER. EAT ONE, EAT THAT SUMBITCH.