I am so jealous!

May 18, 2006 11:36

So this past weekend, we order a brand spanking new MacBook Pro for equusregia and despite having a very serviceable IBM Thinkpad, I am wracked with a big bout of jealousy.

Now, she fully deserves the cool computer since she's had to put up with outdated computer for the last three years. It's that I would like a new computer too. Unfortunately, the $$ isn't the budget at this time so I'll be a big boy and just whine a little here.

But here's the kicker. We received a note from Apple saying they are going to upgrade the processor for free. We had ordered a mid-range MacBook, but since they recently updated the product line, for the same price, we get a 2.16 Ghz Duo Core processor for the price of the old 2.0 Ghz processor. This really makes me want one of those machines even more now.

Well, at least I can console myself in the fact that I'll be free to update our wireless network since we can get rid of the other iBook running 802.11b and move up to the G standard. Also, since we are running OS X now, I can finally get the network drive/print server I've wanted.

Still, hurrah! We are not full of obsolete equipment and I'll have more time to scheme for excuses to use Hamish. (That's what she's calling her MacBook.)

Oh, BTW for desdenova: The new iBook replacements, the Macbook (i.e. the MacBook non-Pro or MacBook Amateur) are in. I've got a small EPP discount if you want a break on a new laptop.


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