Prompts 18, 19, 20

Aug 28, 2007 02:52

Title: Discourse
Format & Word Count: Fic, 1515
Rating: PG
Prompt: 18, 19, 20
Warning: Er... canon compliance?
Summary: When Tonks met Remus....
Author's Note: I'm a fan of drunken confessions, ergo I use them. Heh. This is all Tonks' perspective, and I don't like the ending much but I will stand by it.

“I’m not trying to pull you or anything, I just heard that you took all those extra shifts this week and thought you’d like to go somewhere to unwind? There’s a pub I know that I’ve just been dying to go-no, it doesn’t matter who I go to it with, with my schedule I’m lucky to have the opportunity now-so come with?”

“No, Sirius didn’t put me up to this, why, should he have? I just thought it would be good for you, and you never know, dishy bloke like yourself just might end up getting pulled by the end of the night.”

“Stop laughing, I’m serious!”

“Okay, that’s the dumbest joke I’ve ever heard. But seriously-sincerely speaking, will you come? I’ll do my best to make it worth your while....”

“Great, see you at eight. And you better be there, I’m an Auror, I’ll find you and there’ll be hell to pay.”


“Wotcher Remus, are you alright? They said you found him.”

“Poor Arthur, I knew I should have taken his-”

“I can take care of myself, you know. I’m trained to handle surprise attacks and the like... Arthur’s... well, he’s just been a Dad, you know-well, no, you don’t know... not yet. But Arthur’s just been a father and desk-job official, tinkering with the odd Muggle artefact on the side, what does he know of fighting like this?”

“I’ll have you know that I do know a lot about fighting like this. Mad-Eye might be... completely barmy, but he knows his stuff and I’ve been on loads of missions that degenerated into bloody duels right quick. And I was there during the First War so I know how it can get.”

“Yes, I was only eight when You-Know-Who went the first time but at eight you’re plenty aware of a lot and the war did not last a year then.”

“Yes, that means you’re fourteen years older than me but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. It’s not like we’re going to get married or anything.”

“Oh grow up, I’ve got nothing against marrying you, I don’t care that you’re a werewolf or poor or a bloody prat, if I was in love with you I’d go to the ends of the earth with you. And I don’t say something like that lightly, after I fought my way into the Auror programme it’s a pretty long way down to-”

“Okay, so I didn’t mean it like that, I’ve got nothing against housewives. Molly’s a lovely woman and no one can doubt that she’s strong and-you know what, you don’t need cheering up, I’m gone.”


“Wotch-Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Are you pissed, Remus?”

“One drink my-s’more like one bottle!”

“You drank something Sirius and Mundungus had a hand in the preparation of? Have you gone mental? I’m surprised you’re still breathing, to say standing! I-”

“Whoa, down boy! Watch those hands, Lupin! I like you but that doesn’t mean I won’t remove bits of your anatomy if I have to.”

“Well of course I like you, what’s there not to like? You’re fun and kind and earnest and dedicated and a hell of a lot more mature than Sirius-”

“Scratch that, you were right up until you laughed at that. But you’re still the other things, you’re a great guy and if it weren’t for... well actually, it’s just plain stupid you’re not married to some great wife and have a houseful of sprogs like the Weasleys. Surely against some law somewhere that you’re not.”

“I’m serious!”

“Okay, that really is annoying. Keep it up and I’ll reconsider my decision about your anatomy, how do you feel about being called Rema?”

“Don’t call me Nympha-and stop laughing! How old are you really?”

“I know your cake says thirty-six but you act like sixteen! Of course, that’s one thing I love about you, no matter how you grow, no matter what’s happened to you... you’re ageless.”

“’Course I like you, wasn’t I just listing all the reasons why I did?”

“I was just being-it’s just an expression-okay so it wasn’t in this context, but-will you stop taking the mick? For goodness’ sake you’re drunk as a fish but you’ve still got to.... You know what; I’m not playing this game with you. I like you, I really do, because you’re a good person with a great personality, more courage in a fingernail than I’ve got in my entire body and-what did you just say?”

“You... like... no, you didn’t say ‘like’, you said you love... how could you love, be in love with me? I’m annoying and clumsy and a chatterbox and-”

“I’m none of those things... you’re just saying that because you’re-”


“I, er... I’ve... I... I think I should go... I... oh!”


“How do you feel? How-how are you doing...?”

“I know that Sirius is... that he is-was my cousin, he was Mum’s favourite just like she was his... but he was your best friend all those years... you knew him better than me, probably better than Harry even, so... how are you feeling?”

“You can talk to me, you know...? I’m a good listener....”

“Come on, Moony.... Oh Merlin, what’s wrong me? I’m sorry, I mean Remus. I shouldn’t-”

“You don’t mind? Really? Well, good... Moony. So, er... talk to me? I’ll listen... I talk a lot but I’m good at listening, and I want to hear everything, anything you feel like sharing....”

“I’m waiting....”

“Still waiting....”

“I’m here all night, haven’t got a place to go as I’m ‘under observation’-don’t you even dare think about leaving! Just talk to me, I want you to talk, it will make me feel better....”

“It won’t make me feel worse learning all the things you knew about Sirius that I’ll never hear from him. I meant... I meant that it’ll make me feel better about waking up and thinking-instead of how did it turn out? Is Harry alright? Did anyone else get hurt... or die? Or even where’s Sirius?-thinking only ‘did anything happen to you?’”

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“That, with-like, like you’re surprised, it’s not helping. I was worried about you, my first thought was you. And even after I heard about Sirius, I didn’t think about what the Ministry would say about him now, I thought about what would happen to you. He’s gone, your best friend, your last best friend from-I wondered what would happen to you before Harry, Sirius’ own godson, for Merlin’s sake!”

“Still surprised? Why? I’ve told you a million times over that you’re a likeable person and it’s a wonder that no one’s snatched you up yet. So I started thinking about becoming your new best friend when they told me that Sirius was gone. I know you’ve got Professor Dumbledore and Kingsley and the Order, but it wouldn’t be like with me. I’d be a different kind of best-”

“What do you mean I’ve made a terrible mistake? I remember that kiss! I remember that night, your birthday, when you kissed me, when you told me that you were in love with me!”

“Your being arse over elbows is no excuse. Alcohol doesn’t supply thoughts and ideas, it loosens your inhibitions, let’s you reveal what you like to hide, and let me tell you, you’ve hidden a lot.”

“Of course I pretended nothing happened, because you did and I was willing to let you. But I can’t do that anymore, Remus, I can’t.... No, I won’t.”

“Where are you going? Don’t leave! Don’t do this to me! You can’t let someone fall in love with you and leave them! Remus! Remus!”


“Listen, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you back there or anything... I mean, Professor Dumbledore’s just died and, well, you don’t have to worry about me anymore because I’m done with this. I swore I wasn’t going to be one of those girls and I just ended up proving myself to be just like them, at the mercy of a man who does not want me no matter how he treats me. So, I’ve decided to let you go and get on with my life. I don’t know why I ever began this with you in the first place. I wanted to be your friend, but then I fell in love with you and I can’t go back to being your friend. That’s the problem with love, it’s all or nothing, and since I can’t have you... well, I want nothing to do with you otherwise anymore.”


“Well... I... er... what-”


“I love you too... I always have, I think... and I always will....”




“You do know though, that you’re going to be grovelling for a very long time after this?”

“Oh, well then, just wanted to be sure you knew that. I love you so very much, Remus Lupin.”

“But still, don't call me Nymphadora!”

princesstopaz, august ficathon, prompt 20, prompt 19, prompt 18

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